Praising God ALL the time

So I had myself a mini cry fest on the way home from Journey tonight. I was listening to a CD mix I had made awhile back.  “Praise You in The Storm” by Casting Crowns was on and I don’t know what hit me but I got to really missing my Crestview friends back home.  Sometimes I can’t help but wonder why I met so many good Christian friends while there and then had to leave them.  Don’t get me wrong, I am 100% ready to be here in Indiana serving the Lord with Justin, but every now and then I get a bit sad.  Tonight in Journey class Ron spoke about how we don’t always understand how things we pray for are not “answered” the way we want them to.  He said maybe it’s because of how you prayed about them.  Maybe they were only for your own selfish desires.  So taking what I heard tonight and listening to the song coming through my speakers…when it got to the chorus: “And I’ll praise you in this storm. and I will lift my hands for You are who You are NO MATTER WHERE I AM,” I understood that the sadness I was feeling was selfishness.  My God has a greater plan for me and He is my God no matter where I am. So I quickly dried my tears and smiled thanking my God for including me in His plan.  Then of course happy tears fell as I walked in the house.
