inventory has begun here at the campus shop. i’ve had my spreadsheets ready for the last month so when my boss gave me the “ok” to begin inventory i was ready to go. luckily i had some work study students here to help out with counting. in approximately 3 or 4 hours the book inventory was all counted. all i had to do was enter it in the spreadsheets. so now i’m pretty much all done and i can’t help but have this feeling that my boss really isn’t ready and i’ll have to do it all again in a few days. i really hope i’m wrong because that’s just wrong to tell me something and not mean it. that would be a complete waste of my time when i’ve got summer adoptions to finish entering and very soon fall’s as well. i think i’m just tired of spreadsheets. i want to get it overwith so i can move on towards summer stuff. let’s hope i’m wrong