Hey guys, I thought I’d update you on Teamkid last night at church. Heather came to help. The kids were great. I’d only ever watched the 3,4,5s and they are crazy wild. These kids were anxious to learn and just at that stage where they can read and sit still. I had to teach them about death. That was interesting. I had the kids read Psalm 23:4 that I had typed on a piece of paper and they passed it down and read it out loud. Then we talked about family, friends, and pets that had died. Then I read to them about how a Christian will get 3 new things in heaven (new body, new home, new life). I didn’t think they were listening too well to that part but at the end Heather asked them what the three things were and they got all three. Then I read to them how Heaven will have streets of gold and will have jewels and pearls. I asked them to draw a picture of what they thought Heaven would look like. They did great! One boy drew clouds with cherries in them. Another girl drew gold streets with stop signs. They each had such great ideas. Then at the very end I had 12 balloons each with a message in side. Since there were 6 kids they each got two and had to play “keep it up”. Then as their parents came they got to pop them and read the messages about Heaven (such as In heaven…we will see Jesus). They loved it and the parents did too.