This morning I am at the Bookstore (yes, on a Saturday). It is graduation day so we have to be open from 8-2pm. I’m trying to get all the last minute things done before I leave so that these guys here won’t be too confused while I’m gone. Justin, his parents, and I are heading to Charleston tomorrow morning. After I leave here today I’m packing and Justin and I will drop off Java at my parents and then head back to Polk County for the night. We will be back mostlikely on Tuesday. A short trip but still lots of fun and I definitely need a break. I’ve been feeling the hint of a cold coming on lately and I hope it will hold off til we get back.
Erin and Mike are well on their way to being parents. Erin is starting her 37th week of pregnancy. We are all hoping she won’t get any ideas this weekend while we are away. But if she does we will find our way there for sure! Please continue to keep them in your prayers for this is the scary part….the realization that it is really going to happen. I know Justin and I can’t wait to be an aunt and uncle.
See ya later!
Oh, and for now my comments are down…too much spam! Hopefully my dear husband will have it back up and running soon.