Can I get a Bullhonky!

I just found this article when skimming through today’s news articles. I cannot believe the things scientists will say to get their fifteen minutes of fame (so to speak). It’s so sad people feel they need to have physical/scientific proof for everything (all the answers). It’s even more sad to think we are worthy enough to have that information. Jesus is my Savior and what He tells me I believe. This thing called Faith is what God commands of us. Faith is believing what might not be seen because it is asked of us. God has never given me a reason not to believe Him. And to think that Jesus/God is any less than what He is and that He is some kind of hoax is ridiculous. God made the Heavens and the Earth. He creates every breath we take and every bat of an eyelash. Who says he can’t make someone walk on WATER. I hope this has made you just as upset as me. What is this world coming to? And even that, is predicted in the Bible by God!
