No More Chocolate

As many of you know, I can no longer eat chocolate…at least until October 5th. See…at our last Moscow Mission Team meeting Jeremy (our leader) encouraged us to give up a favorite food of ours from then until our trip. At first I selected cheese, probably because I had a huge piece of chocolate cheesecake in front of me. Then I realized that without cheese, Justin would starve (since that and bread is all he eats haha). So I switched to chocolate. The point behind this is that everytime you crave that food you should pray about the trip instead. Let me tell you…I’ve been doing a lot of praying haha. All kidding aside, it really works! The first couple of weeks haven’t been so bad but now it’s getting harder with each day and temptation. Yesterday my boss brought in assorted Krispy Kreme donuts. Of course most of them were chocolate covered, but I was good. I chose a jelly donut instead and said a prayer. There have been times when I’m tempted to say, “just one bite won’t hurt” but then I say no and it helps me to pray more. I know that most of you aren’t on your way to a foreign country for a mission trip but I encourage you too to give a favorite food up. If you want we can do it together from now until my trip or your own time line. You can choose your own prayer basis, maybe you would like to support our mission team in that way. Maybe you have your own personal issues you would like to pray about. You can never say enough prayers. Let me know if you’d like to join me.
