Hey everyone, I’ve finally got what I’ve wanted for a long time to use while I’m in school…a laptop. I’m sure you’ve seen on Justin’s blog that he has gotten a new laptop. This means he had to do something with the existing laptop and he knew better than to try to give it to someone else 😉 Now I will have something to take to class this coming semester to take notes on and keep me busy instead of paper and pencil. I almost feel guilty since we now have two laptops but I know they won’t go to waste.
Survived another semester
Well folks, I’ve survived my final Fall semester at GWU in the masters program. I only have two more semesters to go (four classes). I’m afraid I have already started to see the symptoms of “senioritis”. I have officially found out that I made an A in Quants. I’m still waiting on the Healthcare Law grade. Grades are due by Monday so I should know soon (although I took the final last week). Next semester I’m debating taking three classes (Managerial Econ, Marketing Management, and Healthcare Organizations). I think I can do it but having to be out of the country for 11 days during the semester is going to make things pretty hard on me to get ahead or caught up. I guess I will wait until I see the syllabi to make my final decision. I’m so ready to be done and if I can do three this coming semester, all that will be left is the capstone course which will be a 1-2 hour group presentation and exit exam.
Other things going on…let’s see, we’ve been doing the usual Christmas party stuff, trying to shop, working like crazy at work shipping books to anxious students, and oh, PAYING OFF OUR CREDIT CARDS!!! I’m so excited! Dave Ramsey says, “Live like no one else so that later, you can live like no one else” so that is what we are trying to do. Next is cars and student loans. I can’t wait.
I hope you all are having a wondering Christmas season. Please Please Please don’t forget about Jesus. He hasn’t forgotten about you! Something else I learned last week while preparing for our Sunday School lesson was that there is a 400 year gap between the Old Testament and New Testament. Just thinking about how far back in the past Jesus’ coming and his birth were predicted, from when they actually happened is so cool. Who could argue against that?
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope that you are enjoying some turkey/ham and plenty of other yummy goodies with family today. Don’t forget to go to bed early so you can be up before the crack of dawn to shop shop shop.
God has been so good to Justin and I this year and every year. Many of you know that we are planning to go back to Russia in March and our team needs to raise $28,000 in less than 5 months. God has blessed our team with almost half of the funds already. Many prayers have been answered for our family and church family. God is just so good. We have food to eat, a place to sleep, jobs, loved ones, and good health. There are just too many blessings to even name. I hope you remember to take just a moment to stop and truly thank God for all that He does for us everyday.
Happy Belated Birthday to Java!
So Justin actually beat me to it this year but yesterday was Java’s 3rd birthday. I can’t believe it’s been so long. Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Mommy!
Today is my mom’s 29th Birthday again. Everyone wish her a happy day. I love you mom!
Thank you
Thank you all for the birthday wishes! I’ve had a great birthday. I got to see my family last Friday (a surprise visit by Erin and Walker). My nephew is growing up so fast. He speaks in complete sentences and of course he is adorable. I got to go to the Cheesecake Factory for the first time on Saturday with my Church Family. It was incredible but very filling. Justin has been really sweet to me. I even got to go out to lunch with my GWU Family. I wish Matt and Megan could have made it but I know how crazy things are on their end right now. (We missed you). I hope to see David, Lorraine, and Stacey soon. It’s been awhile since we’ve gotten to visit.
I love you all!
Just Happy to Be Here
This morning I went through not one but two car accidents before getting work. They had just happened within minutes before I came upon the scene. I am so thankful today that God protected me. He directed my path so I was just a little behind this morning. I pray that God will be with those that were involved in the accidents. Thank you God for watching out for me.
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