This past Sunday was Erin Lunsford’s birthday and today is April Wheatley’s so I wanted to make sure both ladies were wished a very Happy Birthday. I miss you guys!
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Today is my Dad’s Birthday, he will be 30 this year. I hope you have a great day! I love you and wish I could be with you today.
Happy Birthday Melissa!
Today is Melissa’s Birthday and I want to wish her happy birthday wishes. I love you and miss you!
My Friend
This past Saturday Justin and I took Buddy up to Lake Toxaway to the Friends for Life Center. We brought Java along for the ride but my parents were willing to Java-sit for a little while so we could bring Buddy the rest of the way.
Once we arrived we were greeted by Maria and she quickly took him in to a stall in the dog house. It hurt me so bad to be leaving him there. The place was wonderful. There are fences everywhere with dogs running around having fun and they have a warm place to go inside at night with different “stalls” with doggie doors in each. I could tell they really care about these animals. But when I looked at Buddy in the stall he kept pawing out of the gate and he looked confused and sad. It broke my heart. I tried not to cry but I didn’t make it out of the building before tears came down my cheek. I guess I just don’t like good-byes. The thought of never seeing him again got to me. I got so close to him in the week and half we had him. He has such a gentle spirit and always just wanted to be along side me. It was a quick good-bye and all I could think about was that he didn’t know where he was and where we were. (I know I’m being an over sensitive girl). I have been crying over this dog ever since. I know that we can’t keep him. Our schedules are just too busy to give him the care he needs. We are going to Russia next month too. I just pray he will find a loving home soon. I called to check on him yesterday and the lady called Justin back and told him that Buddy was doing really well and was really smart and sweet. They thought they would not have a problem finding him a home.
Please help me pray that Buddy will find a really good home and live a very happy life. Pray for me too, that I can find peace about it. Thanks!
Happy Birthdays
I would like to wish some belated Birthday wishes to Nikki, Tabitha, and Heather. They all had birthdays recently. I didn’t forget about you guys, I just didn’t make it to the computer in time. Hope this year is better than the last.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope that you are enjoying some turkey/ham and plenty of other yummy goodies with family today. Don’t forget to go to bed early so you can be up before the crack of dawn to shop shop shop.
God has been so good to Justin and I this year and every year. Many of you know that we are planning to go back to Russia in March and our team needs to raise $28,000 in less than 5 months. God has blessed our team with almost half of the funds already. Many prayers have been answered for our family and church family. God is just so good. We have food to eat, a place to sleep, jobs, loved ones, and good health. There are just too many blessings to even name. I hope you remember to take just a moment to stop and truly thank God for all that He does for us everyday.
Happy Belated Birthday to Java!
So Justin actually beat me to it this year but yesterday was Java’s 3rd birthday. I can’t believe it’s been so long. Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Mommy!
Today is my mom’s 29th Birthday again. Everyone wish her a happy day. I love you mom!
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