Happy Birthday April! I hope you have a great day! How have you been? I hope Ben is being good to you 🙂 He better! hehe
I got an email today inviting me to the GWU Symphonic Band concert this week. I looked through the songs they are planning to play and one of them was a song that my high school band played when I was in high school. Does anyone remember Carmina Burana?
Happy Birthday Lunsford!
Happy Birthday Erin, I hope you have a great day! We miss you and will be thinking about you. Be good! 🙂
Part of the Fantasy
This is my first year of actively watching the NCAA tournament. This is also my first year making my own bracket. I am hooked! GWU has ever so nicely put a big flat screen TV in the DCC lobby just outside the Bookstore windows along with 6 nice, brown leather chairs with ottomans. Every chance I’ve gotten while at work, I’m out there checking out the games. And when I can’t go out there, I’m keeping an eye on the games through the windows. I’m excited so far because I’ve managed to hang out towards the top of the group in Justin’s group. I hope to stay there. While my husband is actually at the Carolina game tonight, I’ll be cheering just as loudly from my couch. It’s going to be a good day for basketball.
I had to take the GMAT for the Masters program on Friday. Cary and I took the day off work so we could take the 4 hour long test. We managed to survive and come out of it with passing grades! Never again will I have to take a standardized test! Yes!!! What an experience. My brain has still not recovered haha.
I saw a bumper sticker on the way to work this morning that said, “Buckle Up! It will make it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your seat.”
Just thought it was cute and different.
So, I feel like I’m going out of my mind lately and probably will within the next two weeks. I have signed up to take the dreaded GMAT next Friday and have yet to have time to study for it. I am relying greatly on prayers so if you wouldn’t mind sending one or two up, I would appreciate it. In the mean time, if I’m not at church I’m usually staying after work til the earliest 8 doing homework and study group stuff. I have a HUGE Finance case due next Friday too. It is so tough! Then I have the usual homework assignments for both classes and quizzes. This working 40 hour weeks and 2 classes afterwards is getting rough at least this semester since Finance is not my strong area. The other class isn’t so bad but I haven’t begun some of the tasks until after midterm is over.
I miss you guys! I’ll be back eventually.
Fun Event
I’m excited that tomorrow Justin and I are riding up with some of our church people to Boone to go skiing. No, I will not be skiing but you might be able to catch Justin falling…I mean skiing down the mountain a time or two. I’m going along to watch and relax and maybe read some more of a book I’ve been waiting to be able to read. Then in the evening we will be meeting up with Erin, Mike, and Walker to spend the night. I’m excited. It’s been since Christmas that we’ve seen each other. Then hopefully next weekend we can go see my parents and Kelly. I have a TON of class work and studying to do but I’m trying not to let it get in the way of the most important things to me.
Also, lift some prayers up for me for March 9th. I take the dreaded GMAT and haven’t had (and will not have) time to devote to studying for it.
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