Happy Birthday Kelly!

Today is my sister Kelly’s birthday.  I wish I could be there with her to celebrate but am excited for a possible visit in June 🙂 I love you! Hope you had a great day!

The Day After

Wow, getting your wisdom teeth out all at once is quite an experience.  I thought I’d blog about it so I could look back and remember and laugh.  I was quite nervous yesterday morning on the way to the oral surgeon.  When I’m nervous I’m extra goofy.  I just try to laugh my way through awkwardness.  Everyone was so nice there.  We watched a 10 minute video about all the bad things that can happen (comforting) and then met Dr. Heath.  He explained everything to me and then before I knew it Justin was swept away to the waiting room and the ladies were setting me up for surgery.  They were so nice and I think the best thing they did was not tell me much.  I was expecting someone to tell me “ok, now count backwards from 10 and you will be out soon” but instead they put the oxygen on me and told me I would feel burning (which I did).  I remember sitting there vaguely seeing a girl put something in my IV and wondering if that was it and how long it would take until I felt sleepy.  Next thing I know I hear a friendly woman’s voice saying “Bonnie, time to wake up”.  I just couldn’t believe it was over.  I don’t remember how I got my jacket on or walking to the car.  They took me out some side entrance where Justin pulled up and met me. Then we went to Walmart (I think) to get the Vicodin.  I remember touching my bottom lip and asking, as Justin puts it “Is dis ma tong?” (is this my tongue).  He said I asked him that at least 3 separate times.  I asked all sorts of things a million times apparently.  He got quite a kick out of it.  I remember thinking it was funny about my tongue, but I don’t remember asking a lot.

Then when we got home I tried to take the Vicodin and 3 ibuprofen.  The Doc told me to take it as soon as possible before the numbness went away so it would overlap and I’d be happier.  Well…easier said than done.  I couldn’t feel my tongue and had no control over my mouth/lips at all.  I tried and tried and eventually got 2 ibuprofen down.  Several attempts I thought I swallowed it and Justin found it under my tongue haha.  There was no way I could get the Vicodin down that soon.

The bleeding took right at 4 hours to stop.  We kept gauzing it up which was painful and uncomfortable especially when swallowing.  It kept moving around in my mouth.  Eventually I was able to take the Vicodin which I really couldn’t take until after I ate.  I had 2 yogurts and some jello I think.  Then about 2 hours after I took the Vicodin I was out.  That seems to be how it works.  It takes two hours and then I’m really sleepy.  Like right now..it’s at the 2 hour mark and I’m getting sleeeepy.

I slept pretty well last night for sitting straight up to sleep like they recommend.  I had scrambled eggs and a banana today for breakfast.  I feel pretty good other than just being uncomfortable.  I even took Java for a walk.  Now I’m going to lay down and let this Vicodin do it’s thing.

Thank you all for your prayers.  I felt them definitely.  Only God could have given me this calmness.  I even felt Lori’s prayer from Russia.  It is so awesome the power of God no matter where we are.

Seeking Wisdom….Teeth

Tomorrow morning I will be getting all four of my wisdom teeth out.  I am quite nervous about it. I’ve never been one to go to the doctor much and so for me, this is a big deal.  I opted for the “put me to sleep” option during the surgery.  I am REALLY nervous about that but think it will be better than being awake.  Please pray for me if you will.  My appointment is at 9:30am.  Justin has been sweet enough to work from home tomorrow so he can watch over me while I’m out of it.  I read somewhere recently that in your late 20s is when your jaw hardens so it can be harder and longer during the healing process.  Let’s hope that’s not true 🙂

Thank you for your prayers 🙂

Beans and Rice…Rice and Beans

Two days ago Justin and I were able to PAY OFF HIS STUDENT LOAN WOOO HOOOO!  We are so excited and even more motivated now to keep going and finish paying off my student loan.  Hopefully if we keep on track and do as Dave Ramsey says, we can be done with mine by the end of this year.  God has blessed us so much in our obedience to get out of debt.  Sometimes it may seem hard to do but we have definitely been learning in our efforts to get out of debt as well as our move to Indiana, that obedience is key.  If you can stay obedient to God and what He wants for you, the rest will work out just fine 🙂

If you guys have any questions or want to hear more about our journey to get out of debt, we’d be more than glad to help out 🙂


Actually…I’m not sure why I titled this “Amazed” because I’m not amazed at all about what I’m going to say… My husband is awesome.  I had to go to a training yesterday at 6pm but knew that when I got home I had so much to do around the house.  I was a tad bit grumpy all day yesterday too.  When I returned home 2 hours later I found that he had been working hard the whole time I was gone to get all the house work done so I wouldn’t have to do it. He did the dishes, vacuumed, did the laundry, dusted, lit candles to make it smell good, and cleaned the guest bathroom after he gave Java a bath…he did it all.  When I asked him why he did it, he said because I saw that it needed to be done.  Isn’t that great?  I am not amazed that he did it at all because he is just that kind of loving and caring husband.  He made my night and he makes my world.  Thank you Justin for being the best husband I could ever ask for! I struggled with whether to blog about this or not in fear that others might try to steal him away.  But I’m not worried…he’s mine 🙂

Happy Birthday Dad :)

Today is my Dad’s Birthday.  I wish I could be in NC to celebrate with him but I hope he has a great day and enjoys some cake and special treatment.  Love you Dad!


I haven’t had a whole lot to say lately…shocker huh? I have just been kinda quiet online.  I’m not sure why but I believe God is trying to teach me something.  I need to revisit being still and knowing God is God.

I did learn the other day while Justin was in Texas (by reading some of his old blog entries) that he was originally considering naming our black cat Java.  Interesting…wonder what Java would have been named if her name was already taken. We took her to the vet today for her rabies shot. She did so good.

Just wanted to let you know I’m still here…just being still 🙂

Seven Years

My husband has beaten me to the punch, but this day seven years ago God declared to be the day Justin and I met. I will always be in amazement that we didn’t ever meet until then seeing as we were at a small University and both had many of the same friends. It just goes to show how awesome God is and His timing and His plan. I also believe that it was around this time that I told God that I didn’t think I would ever find someone at GWU for me. Well you know what happens when you try to tell God something that just isn’t in His plan. I’m enormously happy that I was wrong. It was the one and only time I was wrong (right honey?) but I’ll gladly admit it 😉

So as Justin was saying, we met in Nikki and Heather’s dorm room on January 20, 2002 to celebrate Nikki’s birthday (her birthday was the 19th). I went and I’m pretty sure I was bummin it with some sweat pants and pony tail. I wasn’t really expecting to see anyone I didn’t already know. I walked in and was immediately embarrassed about my choice of attire. There was this totally hot guy in there and I looked “rough”. Luckily he didn’t let that distract him haha. Again the following week I returned to celebrate Heather’s birthday also hoping that this guy would be back. To my delight he was.

We started hanging out more and more at basketball games and talking online until the wee hours of the morning (my roommate didn’t appreciate the key clacking I’m sure). It all seems like just a year or two ago that it began and I’m sure that the time will just go by faster and faster but there is no one else I would rather do life with. I love you Justin!