I cannot even begin to describe to you about last night’s Commissioning Service for our Moscow Mission Team. Especially in times like that, I can’t fathom how someone cannot believe in God. Our team met at 3:30pm at the church to pack our supplies. We each are allowed two bags to check. One bag is for our clothes and personal supplies, the other is for supplies we are bringing to Moscow. We knew we had a weight limit of 50 pounds per bag and a lot of supplies to go in each. God answered our prayers to make sure everything fit. Almost each bag weighed 49.6 pounds.
A little while ago we were worried we would not have enough money to pay for our lodging while there. God answered another prayer by providing the money through two (a couple) of His faithful servants that graciously gave us the exact amount we needed.
Last night we had over 150 people attend the service. I haven’t truly worshipped like that in quite awhile. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place. We each were asked to have a prayer partner for our trip. Last night they surprised us and each came to the front and said a few words about us along with scripture and then prayed for us in front of the whole church. Our youngest team member was the first to go. Her stepdad got up to speak (her prayer partner was her grandmother but she lives in Michigan and couldn’t make it). The first thing that got me going was that he said, “Natalie is my daughter” (not stepdaughter but daughter). It was so touching and sweet. My prayer partner is a lady named June Crotts from our church. I can’t tell you how much she has meant to me. I can really feel her prayers. We have even gotten together to pray and I can’t even describe the feelings I get. I really do believe that through her prayers as well as many others that I am now totally well. I was worried for awhile that I wouldn’t get better in time.
We’ve had people tell us they will pray for us at different times of the day. Justin’s Grandparents are going to pray for us so that at 7am Russian time we can wake up knowing we’ve been prayed for to start a new day. I told Justin last night that although we still have TONS to do before we leave on Thursday, there is no way that we should worry or stress one bit because God has already showed us so much and I know He will take care of us.
While we are away, I’m not sure yet how Lori (missionary) will keep things updated for everyone here but if you are interested you can keep a check at their blog site http://stameys.blogspot.com/
Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts and love. I can’t wait to go and serve the Lord. God always shows me so much and even though I think it’s me that is going to serve, I am often the one that gets the serving. God is so good!
Thank you to all that came to the service. You mean so much to us.
And one last thing that has been a huge answer to prayer…Justin’s cousin Chad, and wife Faith have been waiting to adopt a child for quite some time now. We added them to our prayer list at church when they found out that they could possibly be getting a child within 48 hours. They found out they were not selected which was heartbreaking for everyone. When our Pastor asked Justin if they should keep them on the list he said yes and not long after that we have found out that they are going to get a baby boy in about 10 days!!!! Praise God! They may not have gotten the first child that they were waiting for but God had a plan and He knew this new baby was coming that needs Chad and Faith to be his parents.