
Happy Birthday Wishes

I would like to wish Lorraine a one day belated Birthday. I’m sorry I didn’t get to the computer in time. I’m glad we got to see you yesterday. I love you!

Today is Cary Caldwell’s birthday (wow, a whole quarter of a century old, wow). Happy Birthday girl! I hope you are enjoying your time off and with family…but….COME BACK SOON hehe.

Happy Birthday to Kelly

Today is my sister, Kelly’s birthday. I wish you an awesome day and an even more fantabulous year! I love you! Wish I could be with you today. Enjoy your time with Walker and everyone.


Today… I’m praying for my friends’ Matt and Megan. Megan has an exam and Matt has a few more tests in his B.L.E.T. training before they can both graduate. Good luck!

Happy Birthday April

Happy Birthday April! I hope you have a great day! How have you been? I hope Ben is being good to you 🙂 He better! hehe


I got an email today inviting me to the GWU Symphonic Band concert this week. I looked through the songs they are planning to play and one of them was a song that my high school band played when I was in high school. Does anyone remember Carmina Burana?


Has anybody seen my husband?

Don’t panic, I know where he is, I’m just being silly.

Justin has had so many trips lately that I can’t keep track. He gets home on Saturday evening and then turns around to leave again on Wednesday through the following Saturday. Surely this means my turn is next right? hehe Where are WE going honey? (all in fun, all in fun).

I love you and miss you but I hope you are having an awesome time.

Part of the Fantasy

This is my first year of actively watching the NCAA tournament. This is also my first year making my own bracket. I am hooked! GWU has ever so nicely put a big flat screen TV in the DCC lobby just outside the Bookstore windows along with 6 nice, brown leather chairs with ottomans. Every chance I’ve gotten while at work, I’m out there checking out the games. And when I can’t go out there, I’m keeping an eye on the games through the windows. I’m excited so far because I’ve managed to hang out towards the top of the group in Justin’s group. I hope to stay there. While my husband is actually at the Carolina game tonight, I’ll be cheering just as loudly from my couch. It’s going to be a good day for basketball.