Hey Everyone…I can’t wait until I can sit down and finally update this thing on all that’s been going on. I’m sure by the time I do I’ll forget most of it but I’ll try. I have a Prayer Praise to share with you. This week has been inventory week, Vacation Bible School, and a book audit. So far, my book inventory went really well and this morning I had an audit on my books. It was a new guy and he checked at least 20 different books. Thankfully we aced it and got all of them correct. Now we just have to finish supply and GWU merchandise inventory by tomorrow. VBS doesn’t end until Thursday. Along with my Prayer Praise I have a Prayer request. It may sound silly but I ask that you all pray for Justin and I for we have both been going nonstop for awhile now and are both sick. I just ask that you pray that we will find good health again and also make it through the rest of this crazy week. Thanks guys! It’s so nice to know we’ve got people praying for us. Hopefully I’ll let you know how things go soon. Don’t give up on me. I can see the light hehe.
Prayer Request
Last week I found out that my first room mate Melissa Houghton was in a terrible accident. She was hit by a drunk driver. I was under the impression that she was walking when she got hit. Jennifer posted on a special site some information that she has found. Please add her to your prayers…
“Hey everyone!!!! I am FINALLY home from the hospital. I HATE it there. Although I did meet a very special man! I am doing ok! My right leg is broken, my tibia and fibia. No worries you know I will be ok! I have some stitches in my face, but I have a wonderful plastic surgeon so no worries!!! I hobble around on these crutches with two boots on my legs! It was no fun to be hit by a drunk driver, so I suggest that those of you who think you are ok to drive better be careful. I almost died last week, but it wasnt my time to go. I thank you guys for your thoughts and prayers! You are truly a blessing to me. Now I get to sit on my butt at home and have people pamper me, although I would rather be working or working out!! But please be careful, dont walk around thinking nothing can happen to you! Please dont drink and drive!
I love you all! Thank you again!
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad
Hey Everyone…today is my parents’ Anniversary. I believe it’s been 36 years. And to think only 24 of them have been filled with the most joy ever 😉 just kidding. I hope you both have a great day! I love you!
Happy Anniversary!!!
I want to wish an extra special Happy Anniversary wish to David and Lorraine today. Keep up the good work! I love you 🙂
Happy Birthday Megan!!!
I just wanted to wish a very special Birthday to Megan today. She is in the Brevard/Pisgah Forest area for her Birthday. I hope it will be a great and fun day for you. Can’t wait to see you!
Just Put an Apple in My Mouth
*Oink Oink*
Today is Justin’s birthday but it sure feels like it could be mine haha. Today the ladies from the bookstore went to Olive Garden as a sort of farewell lunch for Maxine. Her last day with us is next Friday. She will be moving to Florida to be with her husband. We ate til we were beyond stuffed and the best part….it was free. Our boss gave us money to go.
Now today at 4:30ish Heather and I have scheduled to go to the wellness center and work out. I think I might have to take it a little easy today. This pot-bellied girl might not make it haha.
After that we will cool down and then we will meet up with Justin and his family at IHOP for supper. I might need to wear my pj pants hehe.
I’ll let ya know how all that goes haha.
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN AGAIN! I love that man! I just want you all to know that it’s okay to be jealous that you can never have him as your husband (well you ladies). I mean after all I am the luckiest gal around 🙂 So…show some sweetness to my hubby today.
Happy Birthday Justin!
I would like to take a moment and wish my webmaster a very Happy Birthday. It’s strange but he has the same birthday as my husband, and the same name come to think of it…hmmmmm 😉
Happy Birthday Honey! I love you!
Big Boy Walker!
Justin and I just got back yesterday from a quick trip to see Walker and my sister, Erin. It was so nice to spend some quality time with them. Walker is growing so fast. He is so smart! He LOVES the remote! He even figured out that you need to point it at the tv to get it to work. He even got it to do things I couldn’t get it to do haha. Oh, and his hair! He’s got a full head and it’s starting to curl at the ends. ADORABLE is one of the words that comes to mind. It was so much fun to watch him and feed him and hold him. I can’t wait til the next time. Can you believe it’s almost time to celebrate his first birthday?
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