
A Dream or a Vision?

I had a dream the other night that it was my birthday and my family was with me and so was my grandma (she looked like she used to years ago before she got so thin). I believe she was wearing a pink sweatshirt with some kind of nature scene on it. Everyone was giving me presents and I got to hers and that’s when someone told me in the dream that I should be lucky she was there. Then I remembered she had died. She said to me that she wished she could stay but that she had talked to God and He said that it just wasn’t possible. The gift she gave me was a small wall plaque thing that had a fuzzy little panda on it. She gave me a hug and I thanked her and then I woke up.

Interesting huh? I know what my answer is 🙂

Back in the States

Hey everyone! Justin and I have been back in the states since late Monday night (just in time to see our tarheels kick some tail). I just haven’t had much energy to sit down and blog. I have the funk that is either going around or allergies. I can’t breathe and I sneeze and just feel awful. I did keep a journal while on the trip and hopefully this weekend I can make some time to enter it here for you all to read.

I’m am definitely so glad to have gone on the trip. It was a lot of work and long hours but not only did we get to spread the love of Jesus but we got to learn some things ourselves. I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Keep checking back in the next day or two.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. We definitely felt them and that is what comforted us while so far away from home.

almost time

Justin and I leave for the airport tomorrow morning around 11am with the team. We are getting anxious and nervous and still have tons of packing and laundry to do. Wish us luck! If you wish to keep track of our flights you can visit Justin’s site for the details. I’ll update when we return! Thank you all for your thoughts, support and prayers.

See you later!

rude awakening

Early early this morning I was sound asleep and woke to the sound of Justin screaming. All I could think was that someone was in the house and he was being attacked. He was dreaming lol and I just touched his shoulder and asked if he was ok and he mumbled yes and was still asleep haha. I couldn’t help but giggle a little hehe I love you honey!

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

I can’t believe I totally forgot today was Saint Patty’s Day. I was dressed and almost ready to leave this morning when I heard it on the tv. I changed into green to avoid being pinched hehe. Lucky wasn’t I? HAHAHA HEHEHE get it? Lucky? haha ok so it was corny but you know me 😉 Hope everyone wore green or you better watch out hehe.

I also have more news on Erin. She told me in an email that she felt her first “flutters” the other day! Yay! I can’t wait for this baby to get here!

back breaker

For those of you that don’t know I threw my back out on Monday morning. As GWU staff we had Monday off for “Spring Break.” What do you know, I throw my back out before even getting out of the bed. Actually being truthful I got out of bed when Justin did to get him some breakfast and keep him company while he got ready for work. Then I went back to bed for a couple hours and when I went to get up my back went out. It’s been doing that off and on since last winter when I fell on ice at work. This time has been one of the longest times it has bothered me. I ended up not going to work yesterday and this morning I felt a little better but as the day has gone on I’ve been getting more and more stiff and the actual area in my lower back/hip has been hurting again. The rest of my back has been throbbing from how I’ve had to stand/sit/lay. Wish me luck! 3 hours to go!

Does anyone happen to have any expertise on Worker’s Comp? I went to the doctor on worker’s comp a year ago and wondered if this could still be considered since it’s from that injury.

back breaker

For those of you that don’t know I threw my back out on Monday morning. As GWU staff we had Monday off for “Spring Break.” What do you know, I throw my back out before even getting out of the bed. Actually being truthful I got out of bed when Justin did to get him some breakfast and keep him company while he got ready for work. Then I went back to bed for a couple hours and when I went to get up my back went out. It’s been doing that off and on since last winter when I fell on ice at work. This time has been one of the longest times it has bothered me. I ended up not going to work yesterday and this morning I felt a little better but as the day has gone on I’ve been getting more and more stiff and the actual area in my lower back/hip has been hurting again. The rest of my back has been throbbing from how I’ve had to stand/sit/lay. Wish me luck! 3 hours to go!

Does anyone happen to have any expertise on Worker’s Comp? I went to the doctor on worker’s comp a year ago and wondered if this could still be considered since it’s from that injury.

more site details

Justin just sent me the link to the New new site. Now it still has a touch of my love for pandas. I love it! Thanks Justin!