

I get to go out to lunch with my roomie Heather 🙂 Usually Justin is the one with all the lunch dates. This time it’s my turn 😉

I know what you are thinking…first she goes forever without blogging and now she has more than one in a day hehe. I just want to keep you on your toes.

Awesome Daycare!

Hey Guys, I was talking with Justin’s Granny this weekend at the shower about my sister Kelly’s Daycare . I wanted everyone who has a chance to check out this site . My sister has worked so hard to get to this point! She now owns her own house and a Daycare center that is the best center in the County and in my opinion the world! It’s so cool that whenever I’m there to visit I feel like playing 🙂 Take a look if you have some time. I love you Kelly! Keep up the great work!

Oh and if you are wondering what totally awesome person created the site for her it was my amazing fiance 😉

Ace & Tj

If you don’t already…I strongly suggest listening to the Ace & Tj morning show on 95.1. I never used to listen to it when I lived less than a minute from work but now I have a 20 minute drive so I can listen. Justin got me started on listening to it and it’s hilarious. If you don’t have a chance to listen you can pick up some of their highlights at


I know…I know…

It’s been a long time again since I’ve blogged. Eventually, I keep telling myself, I will sit down and totally update both blogs. The past two weeks I’ve been working the 8:30-8 shift so there really hasn’t been much time to do anything but go home and sleep. I did get some laundry done yesterday and managed to find the floor in my room.

I just had a random thought, only because I just had a crazy dream blending Brevard people with GWU people. I think I’m going to add another section to this blog and label it “dreams” because as some of you know, I have some crazy crazy! dreams.

Some things for me to read later and remember to update on….a professor, my car insurance!!! the wedding, showers, and Justin.

Stay tuned….hopefully it won’t be too long since Justin was able to get a computer up and running upstairs in the house that I can use…if I ever get off work long enough to use it.

my fiance

I just want to take a second (if I don’t get interrupted) to tell you how awesomely special I feel to have Justin as my fiance! Yesterday he was faced with a tough decision about work. Pretty much he had to decide between work and family (according to his boss) and without hesitation he told her, family ALWAYS comes first. How awesome is that to have a man that no matter what the cost will choose his family? I know that I will never be left in the dust. He might not know what the future holds but he is so strong and we both know we can trust the Lord. He has helped us through worse and will continue to help us everyday! Thank you God for blessing me with the best future husband I could ever dream of! I just hope he knows how special he is to me and our family and to you!

new phrase

I learned a new southern phrase this week. Maybe it’s not southern but this yankee hadn’t heard it. Ready for the phrase?

“I don’t have a dog in this fight.” I think that is a cool phrase. I’m glad I was able to pick up on it this week. I know I’ve been down here for 11 years but I still find myself picking up on new things.

Ok I’ve said my thing…now go have a good day!

long time…

I know that it has been forever! and that even Justin has beat me with the blog posting lately. Things with me have been so busy lately. I have much to say about more insurance issues…(don’t trust that even the NC Dept of Insurance will help you). I also had a Bridal Shower in Polk County last Sunday (I had a great time! and thank you Lorraine for putting it together for me!) We have sent the invitations out (yesterday) and tomorrow starts my 8-8 shifts until September 1st. I’m not feeling all that hot today. I couldn’t sleep and woke up very hot and miserable. I hope this is just a passing cold. I better get back to work but I hope to really update later.


This weekend Tabitha, Heather, Justin, and I went to Black Forest up in Cedar Mountain to go camping. I had never been camping before and really wanted to. Heather had never seen a waterfall (in real life). Heather and Tabitha went up on Friday night (I had to work graduation so we couldn’t join them until Saturday at lunch). It poured on the poor girls and water leaked into the tent. Luckily most of it was dry before we went to bed on Saturday. We hiked some and saw plenty of waterfalls. It was great! We even got to do a little swimming. At night we entertained ourselves by playing Swap and Phase 10.

Sunday morning we packed things up and checked out before 12. Then we stopped by Connestee Falls and my house on the way down the mountain. We stopped by Looking Glass Falls too and then on to the Fish Hatchery. It decided to pour down the rain on us but we had fun running to the car. Then we stopped at the Hendersonville “mall” and it poured even harder on us there. Eventually we wandered back to Shelby and ate at Yamatos, then went back to Heather and Tabitha’s to play Phase 10 again. What a weekend!

Well now you are pretty much caught up on Bonnie-ville.