I would like to take a moment to wish my dear husband a Very Happy Anniversary! These two years have already flown by and I can’t wait to spend the rest of forever with you! Each day we spend together I learn more and more about you and love you even more. Thank you for choosing to love me everyday. I love you!
I managed to make myself take Thursday and today off of work. I was a little worried about how I might react to all the medications the doc gave me. I have 5 different things to take. One is an inhaler that makes me shake and warm all over (every 4-6 hours). Another is a weird thing that pokes holes in a pill and then I breathe the powder from the pill into my lungs (once a day). Then I have to take an antibiotic twice a day and a cough suppresant (every 4-6 hours). The cough suppresant has hydrocodine in it. It makes me sick and dizzy. I try not to take it as often if I can help it. I don’t know what I’ll do when I get back to work and have to take all this stuff still. I also have to take an herbal pill to make sure I don’t get another fun infection from the antibiotics.
Today is Friday and I’m excited because Erin and Walker are coming to visit and so are my parents and a friend, Betty from New Jersey. It will be the usual quick visit but I’ll take anything I can get. Then Justin and I are headed to Erin’s neck of the woods to present our trip to Russia to her youth group. They have been kind enough to help us collect some items which we are going to bring with us. It’s going to be a busy weekend while on drugs but hopefully a good one. I hope you all have a great weekend as well. Pray for Justin…he’s been sneezing this morning and “not being sick” so I hope he doesn’t come down with something.
Happy Happy Birthday!
Today I would like to wish double birthday wishes. Happy Birthday to Matt and Happy Birthday to Brandon Jaynes. Very cool how two totally awesome people were born on the same day. I hope you guys both have a great day. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. You guys are the best!
Diving right in
Although I wish I was talking about a swimming pool at this particular time…haha I’m actually talking about what I’ve gotten myself into. Starting this Fall I will be a full time Graduate Student here at GWU. I’ve decided to pursue my MBA (no jokes please haha) with an emphasis in Health Management. I’m hoping that it will help me to find a career somewhere in a Hospital or a Medical Office of some sort. I should complete my degree by August of 2008. The best news about it is, it’s absolutely free to me…Well as Dr. Negbenebor always says, “Nothing is free…Opportunity Cost”. I will be signing away my life for the next 4 years in order for this to happen. I have to work here while I’m in school and 2 years afterwards. I figure I’ve been here fulltime for 4, what’s 4 more? haha Hopefully it won’t be too long. Pray for me and pray for Justin because he will have to deal with my many tantrums hehe. I’m nervous about taking the GMAT now ($250 test). Please make checks out to…. just kidding. That is the only thing I will have to pay for and I have until January-ish to take the test. I’m nervous about going back to school and trying to do it full time while working but I know that God has a plan for me and that I can do it if I just try. My friend Cary that I work with is in the program too so we will get through it together.
So….what do you think?
Prayer Request
Last week I found out that my first room mate Melissa Houghton was in a terrible accident. She was hit by a drunk driver. I was under the impression that she was walking when she got hit. Jennifer posted on a special site some information that she has found. Please add her to your prayers…
“Hey everyone!!!! I am FINALLY home from the hospital. I HATE it there. Although I did meet a very special man! I am doing ok! My right leg is broken, my tibia and fibia. No worries you know I will be ok! I have some stitches in my face, but I have a wonderful plastic surgeon so no worries!!! I hobble around on these crutches with two boots on my legs! It was no fun to be hit by a drunk driver, so I suggest that those of you who think you are ok to drive better be careful. I almost died last week, but it wasnt my time to go. I thank you guys for your thoughts and prayers! You are truly a blessing to me. Now I get to sit on my butt at home and have people pamper me, although I would rather be working or working out!! But please be careful, dont walk around thinking nothing can happen to you! Please dont drink and drive!
I love you all! Thank you again!
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad
Hey Everyone…today is my parents’ Anniversary. I believe it’s been 36 years. And to think only 24 of them have been filled with the most joy ever 😉 just kidding. I hope you both have a great day! I love you!
Happy Anniversary!!!
I want to wish an extra special Happy Anniversary wish to David and Lorraine today. Keep up the good work! I love you 🙂
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