

I’m excited because this weekend Justin and I get to watch Peyton.  We are friends with his parents from church and love Peyton to death. He is 4 years old and the sweetest thing (most of the time haha).  It should be fun.  It’s his parents’ anniversary so we are giving them the night out to enjoy.

We are also going to Polk County to speak on Sunday night about our trip to Moscow last year.  We are very excited to share it with them. It will be almost exactly a year after we went this weekend.

I hope you all have a great weekend.


I’m thinking that it’s been way too long since Justin has added new pics to his site. I’m wondering if you agree? If you do, leave a comment to help encourage him hehehe

“At First Sight”

Ok, so I finished the book last night. I must say I did not like the way it ended. Well, the very end was good but just at the last chapter or two I was like “no!” Thanks Stacey for letting me borrow it so long.  Now I’m ready for the next one hehe.  I hope he hurries up.

Church Pagers

Our church has agreed (at our last Business Conference) to purchasing a pager system for our nursery.  This would allow each set of parents to drop off a kid and take a pager to the sanctuary.  If someone in the nursery needs help from the parents they can just page them without disturbing the service.  I think it’s a great idea.  I’m hoping they will purchase enough pagers to do the childrens’ church group too. That would be excellent leverage against the children. hehehe hahaha  Oh and in order to keep the pagers from disappearing…parents will use the pagers in order to pick up their children.  No pager, no child 😉 haha Well sorta, I know some would love to leave their child.  It would replace the number system we have now.   What do you guys think?  Good idea? or Bad idea?

Childrens’ Church

This past Sunday was my Sunday to teach Childrens’ Church. Since St. Patrick’s Day is coming up this week, I decided to teach about that. The lesson went better than I thought. The kids were actually excited about it. (Thanks to my mom and Kelly for giving me the idea and book to use) First I had them color a white sheet of paper green (to take some time). As they did that I talked to them about St. Patrick’s Day and what they remembered about it. Then I pulled out heart stencils and had them trace three of those and a stem. Then I showed them how it made a shamrock and had them cut them out and glue them together on another sheet of paper. Then we discussed the Trinity and labeled each heart as “Father”, “Son”, or “Holy Spirit”. They were so excited. Then I asked them what they remembered about the front of a Lucky Charms box. Then they remembered the rainbow and I asked them who made the rainbow and what it signified. Then I told them how St. Patrick was a Christian and loved to tell people in Ireland about Jesus. I was able to find a picture for them to color too that had a rainbow and a pot at the end of it. Instead of the pot having gold in it, it was labeled “God’s promises.” The little poem under it said “God made the rainbow; It’s beauty to hold. His Promise of Life, not pieces of gold.” I just thought it was awesome how it completed the lesson. The kids were so excited and I heard one say “Wow, I would never have known that if I didn’t come today”. It was a great day and a great lesson! God is in everything!