I just thought I would add that Justin recently taught me how to change our electric sockets. Ours were off white and when we painted, it just didn’t look right so we changed them to white to match the trim…that someone still hasn’t finished *cough cough*…nah, at least we got some curtains to cover some of it up hehe and he did do the main big window. I love you honey! But anyway, I just wanted to let you know that Justin is awesome for teaching me that and I can’t wait to learn something else. I love it!
Basically anything…
Ok, so it’s Friday afternoon and I’m at work. The septic man is outside the Bookstore pumping the literal loads and loads from the septic tank. It does not smell good. I’ve already eaten 3 cupcakes today and I am anxiously awaiting 4:30pm when I can finally leave for the weekend. I don’t know what is up lately. I mean, I don’t dislike overcast/foggy days but I think that having them continually really does take a toll at least on me. I’ve been eating like I haven’t eaten something in a year. I’ve been ready for bed by 8pm each night. I DON’T want to get up in the mornings. I basically haven’t been motivated to do anything. At work this past week I was supposed to take Monday and maybe Tuesday to estimate Spring book sales before ordering. I managed to stretch it out all the way until today. That is so not like me. I’m usually right on things. I’m assigned them and I don’t stop until I’m finished. Oh well, all in all it hasn’t been a bad week, just a week for slack. I know I’ll make up for it in the weeks to come when the new books arrive and when I have to order them. I’m excited though…we no longer have to price the books. Our new POS which will be installed on the 8th will allow us to scan EVERYTHING!!!
On another topic….Lunsford got me reading the Winston-Salem news online. When she was my room mate she always read it and it has a “weird news” section on it that is most of the time entertaining. Today I read about some 16 year old twins that both made a 1600 on the SAT. I’m interested in hearing what your opinion is on that one…Justin said in his blog that he was turning off my comments for a few days but don’t give up on me, I still want to hear and who knows maybe he will still get them and share them with me.
Hope everyone has a great weekend! and please…no phone calls before 10! 😉 This weekend is Homecoming and my first game at the new GWU stadium…if it doesn’t rain.
hello there
I was told the other night…well mocked rather 😉 for not ever changing the category when I make entries. So…as you can see I have changed the category to “life”. I also have added a category that I’m sure you will be seeing soon called “dreams” because some of you know…I have some crazy dreams. I wish I had blogged about all the wedding dreams I’ve had lately.
Not much else to say here…Just wanted to make another entry and keep everyone checking for new posts. Have a great weekend everyone!
I know it’s been awhile…I just wanted to let you know we are alive. Justin has been without internet and hopes to get it back and running by Thursday. We have been moving things from place to place and cleaning and unpacking. Hopefully soon it will start looking like a home. Justin’s been staying at the new place for awhile and it seems that the boys (apache and pixel) love it! The kitchen is all clean and unpacked and Justin’s “play pen” as I call it is getting back to normal.
Here at work we are starting to order Fall books today. They should start coming in next week by the 200-300 cartons or more. Wish me luck! It’s gonna be a long few weeks. And the wedding….well…it’s still on idle.
mo’ money
Hey everyone, I just found out some fantastic news. I called my bank today about a check that I”ve been waiting to clear since March. Apparently it did clear and I just overlooked it. That mean’s just a little extra money in my account to help pay for house expenses and wedding things.
Justin and I went to my boss’ son’s wedding this past Saturday. It was really nice and well done. It gave me a lot more to think about. I really need to start back with the planning. It’s been at least a month since I’ve done any planning.
I’m gonna switch on over to the wedding now and update that.
almost done
Before I start describing yesterday I would like to take a second and thank CoolB for all the nice comments I’ve been getting. I asked Justin about you and he says you are pretty Cool…B 😉 Sorry, that was pretty corny, hehe. Anyway, thanks for reading my blog 🙂
Yesterday my dad came around 12:45pm in a Uhaul truck. It was a lot nicer than the original one we had when moving in (this one had brakes) haha. My dad took me to subway for lunch (unfortunately we didn’t get to see Jerry there hehe), I’ve got to stop with my corny comments.
Justin was able to rearrange his schedule at work to get off for the afternoon so we all worked together and got things loaded up in the Uhaul. Our realtor called and said that he would unlock the house we’ve been looking at so my dad could see it. He loved it! Unfortunately the owner only came down $2000 on the house so as of right now it isn’t looking good but we still have lots of hope and prayer.
By around 6ish Justin and I had gotten all the little stuff moved into his house and put in boxes to be stacked for awhile. And last night, for the last time, Justin brought me home. He helped me build a bed out of the couch cushions in my room. He tucked me in too 🙂
Tonight looks like a night for cleaning the apartment. Most everything is out of mine now except last minute necessities. I think tonight I’m going to go to Heather and Tabitha’s to sleep. I would stay just one more night in the apartment but Jennifer’s family is coming at 8am and I would really like to catch up on some sleep. We’ll see I guess…
Tonight is the dinner at Ruby Tuesdays with the church group. I hope it goes well. I know the food will be great hehe.
Please continue to pray for us as we try one more time for the house.
Well ladies and gentlemen…the day has arrived! It is moving day for me, the first of two this Summer. My dad is expected to arrive at 1-ish this afternoon in a Uhaul to take my furniture, etc. back to Brevard until Justin and I can come up with somewhere to put it. The hope chest and entertainment center will go to Justin’s.
Last night Justin, Jennifer, and I spent a few hours cleaning out the kitchen and deciding who had what stuff. Now all of my stuff is at Justin’s and surprisingly it all fit in the cabinets.
I will be spending tonight and tomorrow at the apartment and then it will be “good-bye” to Woodland Ave. and off to stay with Heather and Tabitha. I just can’t wait to settle down…somewhere haha.
Have a great day!
house huntin
sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve updated. With a little nudge from a friend I am finally getting a minute to sit down…or so I think…I started typing the first line 5 minutes ago. Things in the bookstore have been more than hectic lately with the start of Summer Session I. Professors have messed up orders and we have had to fix them. Students want everything at their fingertips now! Donnie won’t give us any Summer help like he has previous Summers. So, we went from 16 student workers down to 2. One can only work 830-10am (the slowest time) and the other can only work 12-2. So we have had to answer the phones, run back and forth to the front and do our own jobs along with ship an average of 100 packages a day.
Enough about that…what I”m really writing about is exciting…at least for Justin and I. We are looking for a new place to call home (after September 25th that is hehe). There is one house close to our friends’ Meagan and Brandon that really just needs some love and ….paint. it is covered by overgrown bushes and trees and really doesn’t look all that appealing on the outside. We were able to go see it earlier this week on the inside and wow…what a hidden treasure. Yes, it will need some wall paper taken down and some cleaning but it is huge and a little old but comes with a nice newer stove, microwave, and dishwasher. One of the first things I saw was the window seat in the living room. I’ve always wanted one. It really just felt like home walking in it. It has a big basement that will be Justin’s playpen and plenty of storage. We have tried to look at other houses and it seems like we’ve been to all of them. None of the others give us the feeling of “home”. Pray for us and please feel free to share your opinions and advice.
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