
Ask, Seek, Knock

We had a guest Preacher this past Sunday (our pastor’s brother David). He has preached for us before. David and his wife had just gotten back from a mission trip and he was excited to tell us about it. He said, which is what I’ve discovered while over in Moscow, that you go on these trips expecting to minister to someone else when in fact you are the one that seems to get the most ministered to. He talked about the excitement and asked us to remember back to when we were first saved and the excitement and emotion we felt. He asked us what happened to that excitement. Well it got me thinking back to when I was saved. Up in New Jersey I went to a First Reformed Church. Since I have never been one to really pay much attention to the nit picky politics of a church, I couldn’t tell you much that is different from other denominations. All I know is that wherever I’ve been it’s been with people that love Jesus and want to serve Him. Anyway…back to my point… I don’t know if any of you are even interested in knowing but I felt the need to share about the day I was saved.

In 1992, I believe I was about 11 or so, I remember sitting with the other kids outside our Sunday school classrooms one Sunday morning as we were singing our usual Sunday songs. My mom was the Director there and led the pre Sunday School worship for the children. I always loved church. I never felt like staying home or sleeping in, I just wanted to go. But until that day I never knew the real reason for church. My mom showed us all a picture of Jesus standing outside a door. I remember her asking us to pay real close attention to it to see if we could find what was “wrong” with the picture. After a few moments she explained to us that Jesus was standing outside the door to our hearts and there was no doorknob on the outside. She told us that He was knocking and waiting for us to let him in from the inside. She asked us if we wanted to welcome Jesus in our hearts and I remember right then and there praying and saying, “Yes Jesus, I want you to be in my heart”. From then on my life has been so much better. It is so true. He is always standing there waiting for us. He would never leave us, but He waits for us to make the decision to let Him help. That is also why I love the “Footprints” poem so much.

Matthew 7:7-8

“Ask and it will be given to you; see and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”

My parents gave me a big framed picture of Jesus outside the door and we have it hanging over our mantel as a daily reminder.

God has NEVER let me down and never will! He is so good. Are you smiling right now remembering the day you were given eternal life? I hope so

Just Put an Apple in My Mouth

*Oink Oink*

Today is Justin’s birthday but it sure feels like it could be mine haha. Today the ladies from the bookstore went to Olive Garden as a sort of farewell lunch for Maxine. Her last day with us is next Friday. She will be moving to Florida to be with her husband. We ate til we were beyond stuffed and the best part….it was free. Our boss gave us money to go.

Now today at 4:30ish Heather and I have scheduled to go to the wellness center and work out. I think I might have to take it a little easy today. This pot-bellied girl might not make it haha.

After that we will cool down and then we will meet up with Justin and his family at IHOP for supper. I might need to wear my pj pants hehe.

I’ll let ya know how all that goes haha.

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN AGAIN! I love that man! I just want you all to know that it’s okay to be jealous that you can never have him as your husband (well you ladies). I mean after all I am the luckiest gal around 🙂 So…show some sweetness to my hubby today.

Java Update

Java is doing much better. After a little scare on my part of her not eating or drinking, we took her back to the vet and suddenly she was much more perky and of course no one believed me haha. But I was glad to be more safe than sorry. She is eating and drinking again. Still not as much as she is used to but much better. She is getting her strength back too which is going to make things hard for the next week and a half. She already wants to play with her toys outside and we have to keep her on a leash most of the time so she isn’t tempted to take a dip in the creek. Poor girl! This morning she even jumped on the bed to tell Justin good morning (like she normally does) and then she was too scared to get down but we were able to get her down ok. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Just wish us luck in the next week and half to keep her as calm as can be.

Happy Mother’s Day

I would like to wish a very first Happy Mother’s Day to my sister Erin. Also, to wish my mom, Justin’s mom, Meagan, and everyone else that reads my blog that is a mother. I hope you know how much you mean to us and your children. Enjoy your special day.

I also would like to wish Cary Caldwell a very Happy Bday today. I hope it’s been an awesome day for you.

One of the many perks of being Justin’s Wife

Yesterday, afterwork, Justin and I went to Pastor Stan’s house.  They took us out to supper and then back to their place.  Stan recently bought a new computer (with Justin’s help) and needed his assistance in copying files over and setting things up.  I got to come along just for fun hehe.  I got to play Uno with Destinee (their grand-daughter/daughter, long story). I tell you what, that girl is good at Uno. She is quite sneaky.  All in all it was a lot of fun.

Happy Easter!

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to wish everyone a Very Happy Easter! 5:50am came way too quickly this morning.  When Justin and I got up, our animals were so confused as to why we were getting up and leaving in the dark.  The sunrise service started at 7am.  It was beautiful! We couldn’t have asked for a better service.  This was my first one at Crestview. Last year Justin and I were in Russia for Easter and the years before we both went with our families. The animals were definitely into the service as well.  There is a peacock, yes a peacock, across the street that started singing during a solo.  I guess he really like the song hehe.  There were birds flying all around us (even geese) and I can’t forget the cows.  The cows were even moo-ing.  It was a celebration that was for sure.  Even all of God’s creatures were joyous.  At one point during the service Pastor Stan was talking about Jesus being risen and alive and I thought it was so awesome that a little bird had pirched itself on top of the cross on top of the church and was singing as if to tell the world that Jesus has Risen!  I did feel bad at the end of the service.  Some EMS workers pulled up during the benediction prayer.  They were just a little too late 🙁  We were then invited over to Jeremy’s house for breakfast between the service and Sunday School.  It was a really great morning.

Yesterday, Justin and I were able to celebrate our family Easter time.  Everyone gathered at our house this year.  My dad always hides eggs for us outside.  We decided to do plastic eggs this year in case we didn’t find some haha.  Mike had camo eggs and Justin had green to keep it more exciting for them.  Stacey and Lorraine came to join us too and although it was hot, we all had fun.  Walker is getting so big!  We hadn’t seen him since February 5th when he was baptized.  Now he is scooting along in his walker and crawling and walking while holding things.  He is just about 8 months old and I bet next month he will be walking for sure.  What a smart and handsome baby boy. I love him so much! It was sooo good to see everyone again. I hope it won’t be too long til the next visit.  Oh, and we went to Papas Pizza to Go for the buffet for supper.  Mmmm Mmmm Good.  I thought I’d spare them my cooking hehe j/k.

I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter!


Walker is 7 months old today. Can you believe it? Mom (Erin) says that he is pulling himself up to a standing position all by himself and even greeting people with a “Hey”.  What a smart boy!

Happy Anniversary

Today marks Our (me and Justin) 4 year anniversary. Yes ladies and gentlemen, four years ago Justin became a very happy man hehe just kidding. Four years ago we started one very awesome life journey together. We both knew it from the start. Happy Anniversary honey! I love you!

Here’s to you finding yours…(if you haven’t already) and Here’s to you celebrating yours (if you have)