Today is my sister Kelly’s Birthday. We are hopefully heading that direction today to visit. I hope you will have an awesome day! I love you!
Climbing to the Top
Hey all…today was an amazing day. Justin and I were able to go with our youth to Gardner-Webb’s Broyhill Adventure Course to learn team building skills and climb the Alpine Tower. It was so much fun and we really did have to learn to work as a team to work through the events. After lunch we began the climbing part of the day. I watched for a little while and once most of the youth had given it a try, I decided to test my luck. I didn’t think I’d make it far up but somehow I made it to the top. Justin was my belayer (however you spell it). I was a little nervous about that at first, knowing the life insurance policies I have right now 😉 Just kidding, I knew he wouldn’t let me fall. The tower is 50 feet tall. It was cool to be right up there with the top of the tree line. I’m sure I will be a red lobster by tomorrow but it was well worth it. Please join with me in praying for our youth, that they will take and apply what they have learned today. Thanks!
Happy Birthdays
This past Sunday was Erin Lunsford’s birthday and today is April Wheatley’s so I wanted to make sure both ladies were wished a very Happy Birthday. I miss you guys!
I have just submitted my Final for my Marketing Management course!!! This class has been brutal this semester. I must say I have not written that many papers in one class ever! I have written 30 pages in two weeks time. Hopefully all my hard work will pay off when I get my grades. I did poorly on the midterm (let’s not talk about that), but so did most of the class so I have to do really really well on my research paper and final to make an A. I have made all 100’s except one 95 on my assignments so I hope that will be the same for the two hardest assignments. I will let you know as soon as I know. The course has ended two weeks early (I have “paid” for 16 weeks of a course but it is ending in 14). I hope that since I’m turning it in even earlier that I will know my grade sooner. Now I have to complete my other course with a group project/analysis, individual project/analysis, take home exam and final. Hopefully that will go smoothly and quickly so I can hurry up and enjoy my break before Summer classes. Two more to go! Thank you all for your continued prayers. Megan I’m still praying for you! You are almost through the hardest part.
Back from Moscow
Sorry I didn’t update once we returned from Russia…it was an AMAZING trip. I can’t wait to tell all about it but for now I’m surrounded by school work. The end of the semester is near. I have a 20 page paper to crank out hopefully by Saturday. Then a huge and crazy case exam. I have 2 other projects in another class (one group and one individual) and another exam to go. I won’t have a life outside of school work for at least 2 more weeks. I will try to update then on the trip from my journal entries like I’ve done in the past.
On an unrelated note…I heard this morning on the radio that they caught the marine in Mexico that killed the pregnant marine…It’s gonna be a good day tater!
Moscow Bound
Well…it’s just about midnight and we have to get up around 2:45am-ish in order to leave the house by 3:30am to get to the church around 4:00am. It’s going to be a rough one trying to get up. I might just be a little mad when the alarm goes off. I hope that means I’ll be sleepy enough to sleep some on the plane. I’m sure Justin has written a lot more than me so you might want to read his blog. I guess I will “see” you all in April. Please continue to pray for us.
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Today is my Dad’s Birthday, he will be 30 this year. I hope you have a great day! I love you and wish I could be with you today.
Gonna need some prayers
Ok everyone…I’m gonna need some prayers lifted high up for me. Last night right before I went to bed I was hit by a ton of bricks it seems. I feel awful and I don’t usually get fevers but I believe I have one. I had to come early from work and luckily I have the day off tomorrow but I need to be completely healed by the time I go to Russia which is two weeks from tomorrow. Please pray that this is just a tough cold that will go away quickly and not the flu. Whatever it is, please pray it’s gone before we leave and that Justin won’t get it from me. Thank you!
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