
I have just now completed the course work for my Business Law class. All I have left for that class is the Final Exam on December 9th. Now I have to complete one more homework assignment in my Operations class and then the not so fun big project and I’ll be done except exams. I can’t wait! I hope to finish the homework today or by the weekend and then I can spend all of next week on the dreaded project.

Belated Birthdays

Somehow I managed to get myself crazy busy and have forgotten to wish some birthdays on here. November 8th was my mom’s birthday and November 18th was Java’s birthday. Happy belated Birthday!!!

Incredible News

This story, taken from http://www.wxii12.com/family/10273127/detail.html is awesome

Man Says Bibles Stopped Bullet

POSTED: 11:06 am EST November 8, 2006

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A 54-year-old Florida man credits two small Bibles in his shirt pocket with saving his life when they stopped a bullet.

The man, whose name was withheld because his attackers are still at large, told Orange Park police that two men he didn’t recognize ambushed him with a rifle as he carried bags of garbage to a trash bin.

He said his attackers then fled in opposite directions.
Click here to find out more!

The man said the bullet was stopped by two New Testaments that he was carrying in his shirt pocket to give to friends. Police took them as evidence.

The Florida Times-Union reported that aside from a red mark and a pain in his chest, the man was not injured.


I’m going to take just a moment to plug an advertisement here. Starting this Sunday evening at 6pm, we will have a three day revival at church featuring Clayton King. He is an awesome evangelist speaker. Some of you have heard his preaching before via tape. I am so excited. The revival goes through Tuesday night (Monday and Tuesday night at 7pm) Nursery is even provided. If you are in the neighborhood stop on by. It’s going to be an awesome time of worship. I have nursery duty on Monday but hopefully Justin will be recording the services.

Ok…so who’s excited?

This is my favorite time of year to stop by Dairy Queen. Why do you ask? Because I LOVE the Pumpkin Pie blizzards. For those of you that haven’t tried it yet, go for it. Sooo good! Key lime is good too but they serve that year round. So, everyone take a friend there tonight and enjoy…or maybe tomorrow? hehe

Awesome Music


I’ve been listening to “Hear My Worship” a lot lately on WMIT 106.9 It is so refreshing. I listened to previews of the other songs and I can’t wait to own this cd at some point. If you have itunes or some way to preview the songs I definitely would!

OOo Another book I want…


I read “The Five People You Meet In Heaven” and it was sooo good. I believe Justin read that on the plane going to Russia last year. I can’t wait to see what he has to say in this new book.

Also, “Tuesdays with Morrie” was great!

Can’t Wait!

Dear John Book Cover

The newest Nicholas Sparks book is out. I am so excited! Too bad I probably have to wait until the paperback comes out but I can’t wait! I read “A Walk to Remember” in only a few hours on the plane back from Russia. I had never read that one for some reason. Anyone else read his books?