Happy Belated Birthday to Erin

Yesterday was my sister Erin’s Birthday. I am late blogging it because Justin and I were out there to see her and Walker this weekend. It was so nice to get to spend time with both of them. Happy Late Birthday Erin! I love you!

Java Update

Java is doing much better. After a little scare on my part of her not eating or drinking, we took her back to the vet and suddenly she was much more perky and of course no one believed me haha. But I was glad to be more safe than sorry. She is eating and drinking again. Still not as much as she is used to but much better. She is getting her strength back too which is going to make things hard for the next week and a half. She already wants to play with her toys outside and we have to keep her on a leash most of the time so she isn’t tempted to take a dip in the creek. Poor girl! This morning she even jumped on the bed to tell Justin good morning (like she normally does) and then she was too scared to get down but we were able to get her down ok. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Just wish us luck in the next week and half to keep her as calm as can be.

My Baby Girl

I know some of you may be curious about Java. We picked her up yesterday around 4:30pm. The Vet had already gone home but the assistant was there. She told us to try to keep her as calm as possible for awhile and we all just laughed after she said it. Labs are very hyper dogs. We both got down on our knees when the lady went to go get her just so Java wouldn’t feel the need to jump up to us. It was so sad when she came through the door. She was wobbling around and barely wagging her tail. We could definitely tell she was drugged and uncomfortable. I rode in the back with her on the way home. She let out a few groans. Then we brought her right inside and she laid down on the floor for awhile. Roy, our neighbor, returned from his beach trip and came inside to see her (they are best friends hehe). Java, although still in much discomfort was still trying to guard our home when she heard the door, but once she found out it was him her tail wagged harder than it did when she saw us haha.

This morning she is starting to look more like Java to us. She seems to have slept through the night okay. She still hasn’t eaten anything. I hope she will try eatting a little something tonight. She drinks a little bit but mostly just wants to lay down. I really hope she recovers quickly, at least to where she is happy again. It’s rough on a mom’s heart strings. I couldn’t believe they didn’t give her any medicine to take for a few days until she recovered a little bit. My baby girl is a tough one though. I love her!

A Few Updates

Ok, I know it’s been awhile and I was on a blogging roll and then I guess I just fell off. Things have been crazy lately as expected. Let’s see if I can catch you up.

Justin’s dad had shoulder surgery and his mom had knee surgery. They are both recovering nicely.

Our Barbecue lunch after church on Sunday was very successful. We were able to raise over $2000 towards our goal. On Monday night we had a team meeting and we have come pretty close to raising the minimum amount necessary for our trip. Once we surpass that amount we will be saving money to help with missions in Moscow in any way we can. Praise God for all the blessings He has given us while planning this trip. I look forward to many more as we get closer to the trip and go on it.

I’ve been working late this week for Summer rush. Things have been crazy. Monday zipped by in a blink of an eye. Today isn’t going so fast and I have to be here til 7:30ish 🙁 I am missing church and a GOOOOD supper tonight hehe.

Our Missionary friends in Moscow have started a Blog. If any of you are interested in keeping up with their progress and their prayer requests just let me know and I’ll send you the link. I’m so excited to have a more active part in their prayer requests.

Justin has been burning some more and we have gained at least 10 feet of land so far. I can’t wait to get the creek cleared out. Our neighbors to the left of us have moved out. Come on Matt 😉 The other neighbors, the Parsons, that we are good friends with are out of town this week. I can’t wait for their return and neither can Java.

Speaking of Java, Please keep her and me in your prayers. She will be having surgery tomorrow morning (getting fixed). I’m worried about her and I hope everything will go okay. I really hope the surgery doesn’t slow her down too much and make her lazy. Please pray she will heal quickly.

I guess that’s it for now. At least that’s all I can think of. Have a grand night all.

The Hybrids are coming!!!

For anyone that watches Invasion each week, you will know what I’m talking about. By the way, it’s been cancelled 🙁 so we will never know what happens after the season finale.

Anyway…On Monday these students from UNCC came to gear up for their “Leadershape” camp this week. They have been meeting in the room across from the bookstore. I have been observing them as they pass by. They usually have these big coolers and they seem almost like zombies. They are so strange. Then I saw in the window of the room….yes….you guessed it….water! lot’s of water! Do “they” know something we don’t??? I’m staying away from the swimming pool hehe.

Ok that was my fun for the day. Don’t worry I’m not THAT into my shows haha


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Is anyone else as excited as me??? Nicholas Sparks is tentatively releasing another book in September or October. I hope it comes out before our trip to Moscow so I can read it on the way.

Happy Mother’s Day

I would like to wish a very first Happy Mother’s Day to my sister Erin. Also, to wish my mom, Justin’s mom, Meagan, and everyone else that reads my blog that is a mother. I hope you know how much you mean to us and your children. Enjoy your special day.

I also would like to wish Cary Caldwell a very Happy Bday today. I hope it’s been an awesome day for you.