
this year thanksgiving was awesome (not that it isn’t every year) but i got to be home with my family and also spend time with justin’s. everyone just seemed to really enjoy it and not stress over silly things. my parents had been saving up here and there to be able to buy everything for the meal. bi-lo bonus card deals helped too with a free turkey.

it also looks like my sister finally got heating put in at the daycare. now she might be able to sleep a little past 5 and not have to try to warm the place up. i tell you people take their dear sweet time these days.

my family went to see my gma over the holidays, all of us together. i had never been to see my gma in her new room and wing. i miss her! it was pretty scary in there. i kinda feel helpless. but there really isn’t anything that can be done.

my dad is still looking for work. any ideas? he thought he had gotten a job and then they tried to screw him over from the start. i love my daddy….i honestly don’t know how he deals with everything thrown at him but i am soooo proud of him. kelly keeps getting a few new kids here and there and hopefully soon will be able to pay my mom. i know we will all get through this soon.

also anyone reading this please pray for my friend mandy’s family and nanny. she is not doing too good and i love them all so much!

well…it’s saturday and guess where i am……at work. jillian is supposed to be here any minute so we can finish up sending books to GOAL professors. wish us luck.


ok guys, so things aren’t going so well again for my family. please keep up the prayers if you don’t mind. i really appreciate it! maybe some good news will come soon.

hope i dont fall asleep during the prayer in church tonight…..vewy sweepppy


This past weekend justin, brandon, meagan, and i went to beech mtn. i had never been there before. it was so nice and sooooo relaxing. I cant remember the last time i took a saturday to just relax and enjoy time with friends. we played board games such as cranium! i love that game! and uno, guesstures, pictionary…and brandon even taught me some poker. on saturday we went out to eat, the food was great! just typing this makes my tummy growl for more hehe. thanks guys for a great weekend away! 🙂


you know…justin is exactly right….wish they could have a website set up 😉 i guess i’ll have to tell the dude i hired to get a move on 😉 … you sweetie hehehe


I dont know who got to praying for my family right away but thank you! my dad called me last night with the best news. he got a job!!! for those of you that didn’t know. my dad has been unemployed for about 7 months now and my mom has been since the beginning of august. i’ve been praying so hard that some good fortune would come to them soon. with both of them being out of a job hardly any money was coming in. now if only my sister could get 3 more kids at her daycare, my mom could start getting paid. please keep praying for them. have a great day 🙂


has it really been so long since i’ve written in here? i know you all were so worried 😉 today marks a very special day….yeah i know it’s veterans day but i was thinking something more personal…..the day everything goes back to normal. jennifer and i have had guests in our apartment since last monday. i love them dearly but at the same time i’m excited to be getting back to a regular routine and actually getting some sleep. last night was the first time in what felt like forever that justin and i got to just sit and talk and relax and spend time together. it was so nice! tonight one of my shows comes on “one tree hill” i know it’s almost a direct imitation of dawsons creek but i like it dang it 😉 other than working on a holiday there’s not a whole lot going on. i’d like to ask those of you who know my family or that feel nice enough, to pray for my family. they are going through a really rough time. thanks guys!


Wednesday I had a bookstore party at my house. little did i know 23 people would show up. it was a blast and i had so much fun (not the pre or post cleaning part though) hehe we carved pumpkins www.wantmoore/ and matt thomas made supper and dessert. i hope everyone had a good time. after some of the people began filtering out, we started watching lion king and playing the silly games on the dvd. Then came “the song” that no one can get out of their heads. “are you achin? …for some bacon?” hehe too fun! once everyone left i took the trash to the gwu apartments (shh!) and came back to find justin snoozin on the couch. i went to my bed and fell asleep. later justin came in to say goodnight/goodbye and that’s all i remember hehe.

last night…was another story. dave came by to pick up some things he forgot and hung out awhile 🙂 then justin and i headed to his apartment for the endless task of emptying his place and moving it all to his new house, including the cats. they ended up at my place around 1230am and never let me sleep hehe. so i’m a zombie today. poor apache was looking for justin. i could have told him justin wasn’t gonna be on top of the cabinets hehe. i finally fell asleep somewhere between 6 and 630 and woke at 715 to find apache under the covers at the foot of the bed and pixel on top of the covers between my feet. it was definitely an adventure and i hope they dont destroy our apartment while we are working….we shall see!


yesterday we FINALLY got a new printer at work. A laser printer at that 🙂 It’s a cute lil bugger. Mandy went and got it at office max. when we started to hook it up we realized it didn’t come with a usb cable (thanks justin hehe) so i went back to office max and picked one up. when we finally got the printer installed on jillian’s computer, we had the wonderful task of sharing it with all of our computers (why all 4 of us have to share 1 printer i’ll never know). maxine and i kept trying and trying to install and share it on our computers and were unsuccessful. i was going to give up but when a certain someone said they figured i couldn’t do it….then i was not going to leave til i did hehe…and BAM! i figured it out 🙂 well gotta go…today i get to spend lots of money ordering books 🙂