this year thanksgiving was awesome (not that it isn’t every year) but i got to be home with my family and also spend time with justin’s. everyone just seemed to really enjoy it and not stress over silly things. my parents had been saving up here and there to be able to buy everything for the meal. bi-lo bonus card deals helped too with a free turkey.
it also looks like my sister finally got heating put in at the daycare. now she might be able to sleep a little past 5 and not have to try to warm the place up. i tell you people take their dear sweet time these days.
my family went to see my gma over the holidays, all of us together. i had never been to see my gma in her new room and wing. i miss her! it was pretty scary in there. i kinda feel helpless. but there really isn’t anything that can be done.
my dad is still looking for work. any ideas? he thought he had gotten a job and then they tried to screw him over from the start. i love my daddy….i honestly don’t know how he deals with everything thrown at him but i am soooo proud of him. kelly keeps getting a few new kids here and there and hopefully soon will be able to pay my mom. i know we will all get through this soon.
also anyone reading this please pray for my friend mandy’s family and nanny. she is not doing too good and i love them all so much!
well…it’s saturday and guess where i am……at work. jillian is supposed to be here any minute so we can finish up sending books to GOAL professors. wish us luck.
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