woo hoo!!!! today came with some good news. they finally decided to hire maxine back in the bookstore. we will have some help!!!things are once again…or should i say still stressful in the bookstore and i cannot wait until rush is over. pretty soon we are going to have to start 12 hour shifts (even though i do 10 or 11 hours each day anyway) but still 8-8 can make for long days and weeks. oh well at least maxine is back!


This morning at work was hectic. I was on the phone with a publisher about some stupid issue when i turned around to find justin standing there. i was so out of it that i didn’t even realize it was him at first. Then when i got off the phone he asked me to close my eyes….so i did….and i opened them to find purple daisies!!!! how awesome is that hehe. it truly made my day….week even. Thanks justin!!! I love you!


Today was the usual crazy day at work. i was glad to finally get home. my back was killing me and my legs too. i got some news tonight. it made me sad but i kept busy enough to where it hasn’t bothered me but what else is new. i have realized some things tonight too. i have the bestest friend…and i’ve taken her for granted lately…. actually for awhile now. she is my friend mandy (mandino) from home (brevard). i’ve had a lot of things going on lately and last night i decided to borrow her shoulder through an email. how could i have forgotten how helpful mandino’s advice is! she always has a way of making me look at situations from a different side. she is going through a lot of struggles herself and it is so awesome to hear her positive attitude and outlook on things. i miss her….A LOT!!! and i wish there was a star big enough that i could wish on tonight to beam me back to those days in high school when we would sit on her deck by the pool and just look up at the sky and talk….dream even. i know i’m not that far from her but it’s far enough that i can’t just drive 3 minutes down the road. i hope that God truly blesses her and buck. they are awesome people! ok….enough of that….i need to save some time to type my own personal entry. later!

what a day

today was interesting….after a restless night of sleep, i woke up and got ready for church. sunday school was the best it’s been in awhile. lunsford was there so that made it fun and i loved the lesson. sometimes i just feel like i’m just sitting there not getting anything out of the lesson. my favorite line out of the lesson was, “only when you are able to extend grace to others will you recognize the magnitude of God’s grace to you.” it really made me think. then, after church we said good bye to erin and ended up chasing her down 150 with the things she had forgotten. then it was time to fly down the road to nikki’s bridal shower….i’ve never seen so much lingerie in one spot! especially a church! lol….anyway, then it was time for church again. boy was that interesting…..i wont say anything about that….for it could come back to bite me. there are a lot of things i have come to find that i will never understand. well….time to begin yet another exhausting week.


i’ve come to the conclusion that i shouldnt be driving when i’m tired….especially at night. i dont know how many times tonight i drifted off into my own world and forgot where i was going or ended up somewhere i didn’t necessarily want to be. it was interesting to say the least. i think i also might have run over a snake tonight..mmmm! 😉 tabitha was at the apartment with the girls tonight. i haven’t seen her since graduationish time. she has been in africa for most of the summer. it was great to see her again.

i went home last night to see my uncle i haven’t seen in a few years……boy can he talk! but it wasn’t so bad and we got some work done on my sister’s daycare today. i hated the long trip back but i made it. well since i haven’t really found anything interesting to say and its after midnight, i suppose i should get off here and dry my hair and go to bed. church will come way too soon….and it’s gonna be a LONG….napless day tomorrow.


Lunsford is here visiting this week and tonight for entertainment we are highlighting her hair. This should prove to be interesting. We just got back from CVS and we were the customers I hate because we went in 4 minutes before closing time. I just hope Erin and Jennifer are still on speaking terms once they are finished.
Other news….I think I might actually get my new computer at work tomorrow. It’s about time! I’ve been working crazy hours trying to get all my work done so info services can kidnap my Courseworks program for a few days to upgrade it. Justin was so sweet last night. He went back to work with me after church and helped me move my desks around and saved important documents and such on my computer. Wayne says we might actually get some help in the bookstore soon. I’ll try not to hold my breathe 😉 Well…I’m gonna go check on the girls and see if everyone is still breathing.

awful day

Ok…let me just tell you that work today SUCKED!!! I felt like I was running in a million circles and never getting anywhere. More and more work along with several problems kept popping up and I was being told what to do by at least 3 different people. Each having their own idea of what I should do and how I should do it. I’ve been staying at work almost 12 hours a day without a lunch break and still haven’t been able to meet (or barely meet) deadlines. I keep thinking…Bonnie this will be over soon, you can do it….and then out of nowhere more gets dumped on me. After numerous attempts at getting Courseworks to work, I finally gave up and went to Heather’s for some delicious supper. Ok, I’ve had my spout for the moment. Oh well, I guess that’s life. Now i’m tuckered out…I do believe it’s time for bed. Didn’t I just get home? Geez time flies! Well…I’m out for now…..I do want to post an entry or two about the beach….but later.

what a weekend!

where to start….how bout Friday. I got up at my usual time of 7:15 and went to work. After work I met Justin, Jennifer, Matt, and Brandy at Justin’s apartment. We all rode in Brandy’s NICE black passport to the Alabama concert in Charlotte. It poured off and on all the way there and stopped just as we pulled up to the Verizon Ampitheater. What a concert! So many great songs. Three hours worth. I’m not even a southern girl 😉 and I knew most of them. Then we headed to Waffle House where a waitress named Bonnie was being shouted at (drove me nuts!). Finally we headed home and I think I finally got in bed around 2am just to turn around and get up at 7:15. Yeah it was Saturday but I met my friend LeAnne at the bookstore to work on book returns all day. Then I drove to Brevard to my parents’ house for the night. Now my weekend is over and it’s time to start another week. Hope I survive! Justin and I are heading to the beach on Wednesday when I get off work to meet his family until Sunday. Someday this madness will end and I will definitely catch up on some much needed rest. Well I’m more or less testing this out. Sorry to bore you to death (not that anyone is reading this hehe) Time for bed! See ya!