
Charleston Bound

This morning I am at the Bookstore (yes, on a Saturday). It is graduation day so we have to be open from 8-2pm. I’m trying to get all the last minute things done before I leave so that these guys here won’t be too confused while I’m gone. Justin, his parents, and I are heading to Charleston tomorrow morning. After I leave here today I’m packing and Justin and I will drop off Java at my parents and then head back to Polk County for the night. We will be back mostlikely on Tuesday. A short trip but still lots of fun and I definitely need a break. I’ve been feeling the hint of a cold coming on lately and I hope it will hold off til we get back.

Erin and Mike are well on their way to being parents. Erin is starting her 37th week of pregnancy. We are all hoping she won’t get any ideas this weekend while we are away. But if she does we will find our way there for sure! Please continue to keep them in your prayers for this is the scary part….the realization that it is really going to happen. I know Justin and I can’t wait to be an aunt and uncle.

See ya later!

Oh, and for now my comments are down…too much spam! Hopefully my dear husband will have it back up and running soon.

My Daddy is coming!

My dad has today off and since he had to work this past weekend for Father’s Day he is making the venture to come to visit this afternoon/evening. Hopefully he will be here (at the bookstore) by 4 and then we can head off to Stacy’s Garden World to pick up some plants and hang out a bit. I can’t wait! This day is going too slow.


Ladies and gentlemen, this past Sunday we started our “Ramblin Road Trip” Vacation Bible School at Crestview. Boy do we have a lot of energetic kids. Justin is in charge of teaching the groups about Missions each night and I am teaching/helping the 3,4,5 year old class.

The first night was just plain wild. The kids didn’t listen. They were hyper because it was the weekend and they had built up energy to use. We “went” to Washington D.C. on Sunday night with 8 boys and 4 girls. One of the girls is still in diapers and most of the boys are just wild. Each night we travel to different stations. The first station is with the whole group. We get pumped up and learn about the destination for the night. Then we go to our class for 15 minutes to learn and then off to see Mr. Justin at Missions. Then we head to snack, recreation, music, art, and then back to the room for the last 30 minutes to learn. I must say I was a bit shocked when we got to art and the kids were using Sharpie markers! The art time is 30 minutes and the craft only took about 10 so the kids were running everywhere. The first night we played duck duck goose until time to move on. Last night we took them outside on the grass to just run their little hearts out.

Last night was my night to teach. We “went” to Chicago. The first 15 minute learning session I taught the kids about Chicago. We also remembered where we went on Sunday. We learned about baseball and football, and the Sears tower. We saw on the map how far away Chicago is and talked about how we would get there. We decided we could not get there on a bike, but maybe a van. Then we learned about Chicago being a windy city. We had an indoor Pooh kite and all got under it and huffed and puffed. Then we sat back down and with a little help from Mr. box fan we were able to see how windy it is in Chicago by watching the kite fly. There was just enough time to hint about what are lesson would teach later on. We sat in a line and passed a necklace down the line and each saying “Thank you” as one kid put the necklace on another. Then we went to see Mr. Justin. He got the kids to sit as still as they could and watch a video about missionaries. Then he asked them questions and had a prayer with them. Mr. Justin also was able to help supervise the boys while on potty break haha.

The last 30 minutes I told the kids a story about Jesus. The story of Jesus walking along and finding 10 sick men outside the city and how Jesus healed the men and one of the men ran back and thanked Jesus. We had fun counting to 10 really loud. I kept asking them to tell me how many men Jesus saw. Then we talked about being sick and how we didn’t like it. And one of the girls said “Jesus can move mountains.” She was so precious. Once story time was over we got in a circle and tossed a ball around and learned to thank God for everything. Everyone got a turn to catch the ball and Thank God for something. They surprisingly did it without fighting and actually behaved. We didn’t have time to color our thank you notes to God but were able to take them home to color later.

Three more nights to go! Wish us luck! I teach again on Wednesday about being helpful. Good luck tonight Melissa with your lesson.


I would like to wish my husband the most happy of birthdays today. He has now caught up to his wonder wife in age and hopefully in wisdom. It’s the first time I get to wish him a Happy Bday as my husband. I love you so much honey! I hope today is an awesome day for you!

Oh, and I wanted to draw attention to the lovely bold lettering in my entry. It’s not just any kind of bold entry. I observed a way to do it from Maxine in the Bookstore and Justin taught me the updated way to make something bold with <> and things 😉 Anyone proud? haha


Ok, so I hate driving in Greensboro! It’s almost as bad as Atlanta sometimes. Too many one way streets and “no uturns” and “no left turns”. If you miss a street how are you supposed to ever turn around!!!

Well Kelly and I had a good time getting to the mall in Greensboro. We took the wrong exit by mistake and eventually had to call upon my dear husband to direct us around using google maps. It was a team effort and turned out to be fun.

We finally arrived at the mall and found Erin. We spent the entire afternoon together eating lunch and shopping around for baby stuff and maternity clothes. I tell you what…when Justin and I are ready someday to have kids, I sure hope the same clothes are in style so I can borrow off of Erin. I can’t believe how expensive that stuff is. They truly take advantage of a woman’s situation.

Erin is now in her 27th week of pregnancy, ending her second trimester. God is so awesome! Erin is doing great and looks great! The baby is active and very healthy so far. I get more and more excited about being an aunt as the days go on. I can’t wait! I’ve already asked off for whatever day I need to have off haha. Try asking your boss for that….(“uh, I don’t know the day yet but can I have it off?”) haha.

It was a great trip and Kelly and I did a lot of catching up. I had so much fun! We need to do that more often. Justin even got to go to Polk County and play a little football and hang out with friends and family.


Hey Matt, Mandy, Anna, and Christine….I was just thinking and we are coming up on our 10 year high school reunion (that we will probably never have) isn’t that insane???? We are going on year 7. It so does not feel that long. Just thought I’d bring that up hehe.

Weekend with my sisters!

I’m excited because tomorrow I get to spend the whole day with my sisters. I can’t remember the last time we did something together. I can’t wait to see Erin with baby in tow hehe. She continues to do really well and is so cute! Three months to the day until she is “scheduled” to give birth to Walker. Kelly and I get to ride from my house to Greensboro together. That will give us some time to catch up. We don’t get to talk as much as we used to. Life is just too crazy lately. Hopefully we won’t get lost haha. And hopefully we will get by the Concord exit without much trouble (because of the race). I can’t wait!

Now…if only the work day today would hurry up and be over!