Journey to Financial Freedom

Justin and I have been really trying to get out of debt. We are a part of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. Justin actually leads the course on Sunday nights at Crestview. We’ve had a really good turn out and much or our small group is from outside of Crestview. We have completed Baby Step #1 and are working towards Baby Step #2 which is paying off all debt except the house. Dave Ramsey always says “beans and rice, rice and beans” and boy is that true. We’ve been eating a ton of sandwiches, rice, ramen, noodles or all sorts (and just recently have been adding veggies to make it a little better for us). It’s hard but we have been able to pay off all of our credit cards (and cancel them). Now we are moving on to the cars which, hopefully will be paid off rather quickly (about a year early). Then those dreaded school loans! But…it will all be worth it in the end. We are “living like no one else so that later we can live (and give) like no one else.” We are excited and really seeing results. I want to strongly recommend this program and hope you will all try to make your futures a little brighter in the end. Nothing is impossible with God! God doesn’t like debt either. Justin’s favorite verse says it all… Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Cool Quote

Stacey sent me a cool forward and I loved the quote at the end. I had to share…

“Sorrow looks back… Worry looks around… Faith looks up…”

My Friend

This past Saturday Justin and I took Buddy up to Lake Toxaway to the Friends for Life Center. We brought Java along for the ride but my parents were willing to Java-sit for a little while so we could bring Buddy the rest of the way.

Once we arrived we were greeted by Maria and she quickly took him in to a stall in the dog house. It hurt me so bad to be leaving him there. The place was wonderful. There are fences everywhere with dogs running around having fun and they have a warm place to go inside at night with different “stalls” with doggie doors in each. I could tell they really care about these animals. But when I looked at Buddy in the stall he kept pawing out of the gate and he looked confused and sad. It broke my heart. I tried not to cry but I didn’t make it out of the building before tears came down my cheek. I guess I just don’t like good-byes. The thought of never seeing him again got to me. I got so close to him in the week and half we had him. He has such a gentle spirit and always just wanted to be along side me. It was a quick good-bye and all I could think about was that he didn’t know where he was and where we were. (I know I’m being an over sensitive girl). I have been crying over this dog ever since. I know that we can’t keep him. Our schedules are just too busy to give him the care he needs. We are going to Russia next month too. I just pray he will find a loving home soon. I called to check on him yesterday and the lady called Justin back and told him that Buddy was doing really well and was really smart and sweet. They thought they would not have a problem finding him a home.

Please help me pray that Buddy will find a really good home and live a very happy life. Pray for me too, that I can find peace about it. Thanks!


This sweet dog is pulling at my heart strings. Sometimes I wish I was just heartless and didn’t care about things so much. I know that we can’t keep him but I am protective about where we will place him, meanwhile I am loving him more everyday. Today it’s been a week since we got “Buddy” and it’s going to be really tough to let him go. I just pray we will find the right place for him that will give him all the attention and love that he so needs. Please help me pray about this. We just don’t feel like we’ve been given a definite answer from God yet about what we need to do. Pray for Buddy too because he is still having some…bathroom issues. Also pray for Java because she isn’t getting the attention she is used to (even though we’ve been trying hard). Thanks!

Happy Birthdays

I would like to wish some belated Birthday wishes to Nikki, Tabitha, and Heather. They all had birthdays recently. I didn’t forget about you guys, I just didn’t make it to the computer in time. Hope this year is better than the last.

Anyone want to keep this poor dog?

Yesterday morning I was letting Java outside to do her thing before I left for work and there was this black lab puppy (so I thought) in our front yard. It was so scared and incredibly thin. Justin and I both tried to catch it to see if it had a tag on the collar but were unsuccessful. When Justin got home from work our neighbors across from us had caught it and quickly brought it to Justin asking him to keep it for the night. This dog is so sweet. It’s a boy and it looks to be a pit/lab mix about 4 to 5 months old. We think it’s blind and it is severely dehydrated and hungry. Today we hope to take it to the Vet to find out if this poor thing has a chance. He was so sweet. He didn’t make a peep all night. He is potty trained and can sit and give you his paw. Please help me pray that his blindness is only temporary and that he doesn’t have anything seriously wrong with him that isn’t fixable. This little guy is so sweet and he deserves a chance.


Someone doesn’t like the laptop idea

Hey all, it appears that there is a certain someone who is not liking the idea of Justin and I having laptops. Poor Java, she just comes up to me now and stares with this sad look when I’m online. It used to be just “daddy” that was on the laptop all the time but now, since I’ve been off for awhile, I’ve been on it more to pass time. Poor girl, I guess I better go take her for another walk. Here comes the whining… (from her of course hehe).