Today is a very special day…It’s Lorraine’s (Mom) Birthday. I hope you have a really fantabulous day! I love you so much! Make David wait on you hand and foot today….he may be injured but he still has one working arm hehe. Hope to see you soon!
Here it is
General Description
As a Networker, you enjoy new people, new situations, and new environments. You build relationships and interact with an ever-widening circle of contacts outside of the home. You tend to enjoy using your verbal skills and wit to be engaging and persuasive.
Typical Areas of Strength
Networkers, like you, are normally strong communicators. You are outgoing, engaging, lively, optimistic, gregarious, persuasive, fun-loving, enthusiastic, and inspiring.
Typical Areas of Struggle
You may sometimes be prone to talking too much, being disorganized, impulsive, too emotional, too optimistic, or exaggerating. Sometimes you tend to overcommit and overlook key details.
Your Preferred Activities
Because you function best when given the opportunity to influence, meet, or entertain others, you need variety and opportunities to present your new creative ideas along with a minimum of detail work.
Your Communication Style
You thrive when given the opportunity to communicate new ideas, concepts, or the latest information to a group.
Apples and Accolades
Today is Gardner-Webb’s Annual “Apples and Accolades” for faculty and staff. This is a faculty and staff recognition program and a picnic. Every year we all gather together while members of GWU’s workforce receive awards for how long they’ve been here and how wonderful they are. After that, we eat FOOD hehe. I always love the cookies and fruit. Last year they served barbecue but we’ll have to wait and see about today. I love anything that gets me out of work for 2 hours and has food. Two more years til I can get my “5 year award”. Let’s hope not 😉
Lunch with the Girls
Today Cary, Maxine, and I ventured to Gastonia to the new Olive Garden for lunch as a sort of “farewell lunch” for Maxine. She isn’t leaving til some time in June but it’s the last chance we have while we have student workers to work the shop. It was so nice and now I only have about 2.5 hours left of the day. It’s so nice not to have to be stuck at work all the time. I wish I could just do my work and then leave when it’s done everyday and still get paid the same. Wouldn’t that be nice. My meal was actually pretty cheap for the all you can eat soup, salad, and breadsticks. Very good!
Happy Birthday Kelly!
Hey Everyone, Today is a very special day. Today is my big sister Kelly’s Birthday. Join me in wishing her the happiest of birthdays and nothing but the best for this year to come. I love you!
With all this talk going on about Tom Cruise and Scientology, I decided to do a little research. I also decided to look up Christian Science. Both religions just strike me as sad and funny. Scientologists believe that they, themselves are the spiritual being and they believe that everything they need to know can be found in the book they worship written by….”Joe Schmoe”.
This morning I googled Christian Science and found a list of what they believe.
- God is infinite…and there is no other power or source, S&H, 471:18.
- God is Universal Principle, S&H 331:18-19
- God cannot indwell a person, S&H 336:19-20
- God is the only intelligence in the universe, including man S&H 330:11-12
- God is Mind, S&H 330:20-21; 469:13
- God is the Father-Mother, S&H 331:30; 332:4
- The Trinity is Life, Truth, and Love, S&H 331:26
- Belief in the traditional doctrine of the Trinity is polytheism, S&H 256:9-11
- Christ is the spiritual idea of sonship S&H 331:30-31
- Jesus was not the Christ, S&H 333:3-15; 334:3
- “Jesus Christ is not God, as Jesus himself declared…” S&H 361:12-13
- Jesus did not reflect the fullness of God, S&H 336:20-21
- Jesus did not die, S&H 45:32-46:3
- The Holy Spirit is divine science, S&H 331:31
- There is no devil, S&H 469:13-17
- There is no sin, S&H 447:24
- Evil and good are not real, S&H, 330:25-27; 470:9-14
- Matter, sin, and sickness are not real, but only illusions,” S&H 335:7-15;
447:27-28.- Life is not material or organic, “S&H, 83:21
- The sacrifice of Jesus was not sufficient to cleanse from sin, “S&H, 25:6.
- True healings are the result of true belief, “S&H, 194:6”
- Additionally, Christian Scientists prefer not to use doctors, medicine, or immunizations. Christian Science Practitioners are used to help people through the false reality of illness.
- Proper prayer and training are employed to battle the “non-reality” of illness.
- They have no ordinances like the Lord’s Supper or baptism.
- Church services are interspersed with Bible reading and readings from Science and Health.
- Mary Baker Eddy is highly regarded as a revelator of God’s word.
The fact that anyone would truly believe any of that is beyond me. I mean, who is this “Mary Baker Eddy” lady? Let’s just say for a minute that I happened to go to school with this lady. One day I see that she has written this book on Christian Science. She was an A student back in school so I’m going to believe everything she says as the one true belief and way. Surely she is right. Surely she is brilliant. Surely she knows more than God. Does that strike anyone else as just a bit weird?
I could take each and every point of this belief and give you many reasons why it is incorrect but I’ll save you the reading. I will however just touch on a couple.
“There is no Devil” and “There is no sin” Even a nonbeliever of anything would have to disagree with that. It’s just common sense. And “Evil and Good are not real” I mean geez! “Matter, sin, and sickness are not real, but only illusions” Yeah right, again, even those who are nonbelievers of anything can see that even doctors have proof of sickness. Then #20 “The sacrifice of Jesus was not sufficient to cleanse from sin” If you don’t believe in sin in the first place, what is the need to put #20 in there? I thought “There is no sin”. Does anyone really believe that true sickness is a “false reality of illness?” I mean, that’s like saying Matt was just imagining his back was hurting. Matt you big liar you lol. And lastly on my rant…they say they use the Bible…apparently they weren’t specific enough for me as to what “Bible” besides this lady’s book. Because the Bible I know says none of this.
Nothing else to Blog about…
I figured that since I’ve been on a roll with my blogging lately, that I couldn’t stop now. I don’t really have anything new and exciting to share but I am excited that last night, for the first time in forever! I slept really really well. I might have woken up once at the usual 6am time but other than that, I slept right through. So good that I had sheet marks all over the place. I think I’ve been doing better at the sleeping thing because this week Heather and I have started back walking together after work. We walked only 2 times this week but once for an hour and the other for an hour and a half pretty fast paced. Justin and I have also been trying to remain active after work while it’s still daylight. We spend much of our time outside with Java or home improving. I love the Spring daylight!
Free Demo
I just happened upon this article and found it truly awesome.
One of the nurses, Mary Blome, marveled that two registered nurses, a man strong enough to lift the woman from her vehicle, and the handy defibrillator all happened to turn up at once.”That just doesn’t happen,” she said.
So….never forget that you are where you are at each exact moment for a reason. So remember that next time you are stuck in traffic. You either have the possibility of helping someone by being where you are or of avoiding a wreck because you are where you are.
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