Today is Melissa’s Birthday. She was the first person I met at GWU and my first room mate. Today she is living in Arizona (originally from New York) and getting her masters. Happy Birthday girl!

Moscow, Russia

Last night we had our fundraiser planning meeting for our next Mission trip to Moscow. We don’t have exact dates but it will be the first two weeks in October. We have been asked to gather items for a silent auction. If any of you have anything you would like to donate for the cause or know of where I might be able to ask for donations please let me know. It looks like there will be 8 or 9 of us going. And men, please start a prayer chain for Justin, he will be one of only 3 men going on the trip. Girl power! haha. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and help. I’ll keep you updated as we find things out.

Happy Day of Love Everyone

Give your loved ones a big hug or maybe a kiss today and tell them how much you appreciate them and love them. That’s the best gift of all.

I love you guys!

Need Help

My husband has been busy working on our home computer to get it back up and running. Would anyone like to help an amateur (me) change a few things on my blog? Matt? Eric? Brandon? anyone? If not, I’ll just wait in line for Justin hehe.

Walker’s Baptism

This weekend was a blast but also a whirlwind. Justin and I got up early on Saturday morning and met Jennifer at Crestview for Breakfast. Then we went back home and packed up and started our trip to visit Erin, Mike, and Walker. We had to bring Java to Justin’s parents’ house and then head back in the right direction for the Shores’. We got there around 5pm and got to play with Walker. He is quite the little man. He is sitting up so well by himself and can flip himself over. He has the best personality. He was in a good mood the whole weekend. I got to feed him on Sunday morning before church. Mom, Dad, and Kelly made their entrance during the hymn before the baptism. They had made a wrong turn and almost missed it. Walker was wonderful throughout the whole service. We went to Golden Corral afterwards for lunch and everyone had a great time. Then we all got in the car and started our long journeys back home. We got home during the end of the 2nd quarter of the superbowl and watched that and Grey’s Anatomy. What a weekend!