A lot has happened this past week and sadly I can’t remember it all. I’ve been placing the 2.5 inch thick stack of book orders starting on Friday and just called in the last one today (I still have a few on hold orders that are giving me difficulty). I’ve been rearranging the shelves from Summer to Fall tags and placing the books we already have on hand in the right spots. My returns pile has become overwhelming. I had to order the used books from Follett first at the beginning of last week before I could order the new. It isn’t looking as promising. Last semester Maxine did the used books but this time I did it. I hope everything works out right. It really is a time consuming process. Much more so than you would think. The dear Grad School of Business has STILL not turned in their orders…not even one class! The orders were due at the end of March and it’s mid July. Of course all I can do is email them to death. I just wish I could find someone with power and balls to help me out. These Grad Business students are the hardest students to please and they most of all want used books and because of the late timing of the order (or lack there of) they are pretty much not going to have used books. That means all students will blame us instead of the rightful owner of the blame, the professors and administration of the Business school. Am I shocked? No, I got my degree from these same professors and admin and let’s just say they don’t have all their silverware in the same drawer.
This past Friday Justin was mowing the lawn and I was weeding. After we finished we saw our neighbors outside. They invited us over to their porch benches for some tea and to chat. We ended up staying out there talking until after 10pm. Poor Java was in the house the whole time alone and surprisingly didn’t damage anything (she must have fallen asleep). It was really cool to get to know them better. Java likes them too. Everytime she sees the guy (Roy) she has to run and say hello. As for the other neighbors on the other side of the house. We think they are moving out. It would be cool to have some nice neighbors on that side too. The ones now only come one day a week or so to mow the lawn and then leave. We’ve never met them.
Erin is doing great! She is in her 33rd week I believe and they have started birthing classes. I’m getting more and more excited everyday. Both baby and mom are still very active. I hope to talk to her soon and found out more updates.
I’m suddenly really sleepy and my brain can’t think of anything else although I’m sure there’s plenty more to update on. Hopefully I’ll have more time soon to update more. Wish me luck for books are starting to come in and Friday looks like “D day” for most of the big orders. It’s looking more and more like I’ll be the only one there to unload the trucks.
Oh and it looks like the Moore and Bailey clan from Polk County are either at the beach or just got there today. I hope they have a great time and enjoy the beach weather for me.
Have a great night/day!
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