
there is light…

well it looks like my loans will be consolidated after all 🙂 The update link now has a date of 3/19/04. I will have to make one more payment of each of the loans before it switches over but that will be worth it. I haven’t heard anything on a recent credit card application to switch over my balance to. I expect an answer any day now. my dad has a job interview this morning. i’ll definitely be praying hard, as i encourage you all to do too (please). i’ll let you know what the verdict is on that. i really hope he gets it.

i was really hoping to get another snow day today so i could sleep but i guess God had other plans. rainy ones hehe. i can’t wait for the weekend to be able to sleep. i just cant figure out why i’ve been so exhausted this week.

i hope everyone has a very happy valentines’ day this saturday and for those who remain livin up the single life, happy singles’ day!

13 more days til payday 🙂


last night justin sat down with me to help me figure out my loan situation. once we figured out the best plan of action, justin helped me apply online for consolidation. i’m so glad he was there to help me. i know i would have royally screwed something up. i love that about justin. he is always willing to help me out when i need it. he didn’t even complain. hopefully i will hear something soon from good ole sallie mae. thanks honey!

on another note….i got in a spring cleaning mood this morning at work. i threw away all the publisher catalogs i had. when i got done i could barely move the big trash can it was so heavy. and now i’m a happy girl cuz my shelves don’t look so cluttered anymore. now if only it would stop raining long enough for me to walk to Egypt to get to my truck in order to go to the doctor.

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! 🙂 =) 🙂


i’ve been working on an inventory spreadsheet of all the books we have in the bookstore. so far i’m on line 258 (mostly done yesterday). it’s really a pain…cuz every semester i have to create a brand new spreadsheet i.e. (<--for you matt) start from scratch typing in each book title, isbn, author, and price. I can't even use the previous semester's spreadsheet because the books are pretty much totally different. so there isn't an easy way out of it. the bad thing is...i really shouldn't have to do this because i have a computer program (courseworks) that will create a list with all the necessary information on it, but because the big wigs over in webb like spreadsheets, i have to go through all this trouble. it's ok for now because it's been slow around here but next week we start returns. and making sure pricing is right for the inventory is going to be quite a headache since there are at least 3 different prices on the books. i guess it's eeny meeny miny moe 😉 have a great day!


thanks to my fantabulous boyfriend….i mean webmaster 😉 i am now back in purple 🙂 i dont know how he figured out that i wanted the colors back 😉

i was sure hoping for some ice outside this morning when i peeled my eyes open to look out the window. so much for that! i hope today goes by faster at work than yesterday.

girls girls girls

i thought my subject line might grab the attention of the male viewers (haha)

Saturday was definitely a day made for the girls. Tabitha, Heather, and I went to blockbuster and rented the second Charlies Angels. I must say it was pretty good. A little far-fetched but good. I can’t believe demmi can look that good at her age! after the movie we got ready for our first gwu mens’ basketball game of the season….well for me of two seasons. we went to the coffee shop and got something to drink and headed to the game. we ended up getting a front row seat in the dawg pound and quite possibly a shot at being in a nationally aired commercial for gwu. the first half of the game seemed to resemble the clemson/carolina game if anyone saw it. although we were “clemson”. then came the second half. we ended up being at least 10 behind most of the time and ended with a 9 point loss. i dont even remember the score but we lost. we hadn’t eaten supper so we picked up justin and went to the waffle house. too bad tabitha didn’t get to pick up her usual waffle house hunk 😉 all in all it was a very fun day out! i needed it!

what a night!

Last night Heather and I were in charge of the children at church. This meant that we would miss the beginning of the superbowl. I was first to arrive at the church to meet a little boy and his mom. This boy usually cries if you wink at him. This was my first time watching the kids. They know of me but have never interacted with me like that. His mom said, “when i leave he is gonna scream, i’m sorry.” to my surprise he didn’t scream at all. Then came a little girl who is the friendliest and loudest girl hehe. she is so cute. i thought she would be a piece of cake. to my surprise she was the one that was scared of me. luckily heather arrived and everyone was happy. it was a lot of fun. i was able to get to brandon and meagan’s a little before 7 and it was still the 1st quarter. meagan had prepared a feast. mmm mmm mmm! i stuffed myself silly. the first half was rather slow. i wasn’t at all impressed with the halftime show. the streaker was quite entertaining though. how one man could get by all those security people, i have no idea but it was still hilarious to see all those people running on the field to get the streaker off. the second half of the game was quite intense. i definitely think the game would have ended differently had kasay not messed up terribly. although the panthers didn’t win, i gotta give them props for even making it that far and for making it such a close game. at least they weren’t stomped on.

on another note….

i got to talk to mandino this morning. she traded her sportstrac in for an expedition. nice! i can’t wait to see it and hopefully go on a roadtrip sometime this summer. matt is also car looking. i’ve definitely got the itch to do so myself if it seemed possible.


Anyone know what the subject line means? Ok so i’m a little bored at work hehe and i decided to create my own word. the phone hasn’t even been ringing off the hook like it usually does. this can make for a long short week. there are things i’d like to be doing to get ahead for inventory but i can’t move anything heavy at the current moment. i have a doctors appointment at 130 tomorrow. apparently my doc is full but i’m supposed to see the PA. i went to talk to scott white and he said i qualify for workers comp. i hope everything goes ok tomorrow. i wish i had something interesting to write. i do believe i got the last available spot in the hamrick parking lot today at lunch. i also believe that dr. camp loves to park her bright red mercedes there too (or so i think it’s a mercedes) hehe. parking there made me giggle to myself. nah nah ni boo boo (however you spell it) gosh i should have more to say…i guess i’ll just write another one if i think of anything creative. have a great thursday night and don’t forget to watch phoebe’s wedding.
yes, i watch friends 😉

a new year…

i was told by a friend to “get on it” hehe about writing another entry. i didn’t think anyone really read this but i’m glad to have a fan or two hehe. thanks matt! well…this year hasn’t exactly gotten off to a good start. one of my good friends from gwu, justin alston, passed away on the 17th. his funeral was this past thursday in greensboro. i didn’t think i was going to be able to get there but luckily gwu took some vans to the funeral. my boss let me take a comp day and so i went. on the way there we all shared fun stories about justin and how he always made us laugh. i think we all just didnt want the realness of the situation to kick in. we got there about an hour early and the church was already half full. many people that i graduated with were there. doctors, nurses, family, friends, and the whole phys. ed. department from gwu was there too. i couldn’t bring myself to go up to see justin’s body. i just couldn’t. even with the tugs from friends i just sat down in the pew. all i could see was his forehead. it just didn’t seem like it could be real. then…they started playing “angels among us”, “the dance”, “hope you dance” and some other song about a mom and a son having to say goodbye. i thought i was going to lose it before the service began. i was able to keep all but a few tears in. then every few minutes i just would lose it. all the songs that people sung were just perfect and there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. the balcony was full too. i really lost it when they started wheeling him out of the church. i just couldn’t fathom how his mom and family were feeling if i was having such a hard time with it and i was just a pretty good friend of his. at the end of the service people stood up and shared stories and told things about justin. that was so hard but so meaningful to see how he had touched so many peoples’ lives. the procession to the cemetary had to be at least a mile long. you couldnt see the beginning or the end. once there we were able to speak to the family. his mom remembered me coming to see justin in the hospital and said she had a picture of me and justin at an awards banquet. oh how i wished i could see it. he just meant so much to all of us. he will definitely be missed.

well i’ve gotta get some sleep. it’s been so awesome to have 2 days off because of ice this week already. i guess we have to go back sometime 🙁