I just found this article when skimming through today’s news articles. I cannot believe the things scientists will say to get their fifteen minutes of fame (so to speak). It’s so sad people feel they need to have physical/scientific proof for everything (all the answers). It’s even more sad to think we are worthy enough to have that information. Jesus is my Savior and what He tells me I believe. This thing called Faith is what God commands of us. Faith is believing what might not be seen because it is asked of us. God has never given me a reason not to believe Him. And to think that Jesus/God is any less than what He is and that He is some kind of hoax is ridiculous. God made the Heavens and the Earth. He creates every breath we take and every bat of an eyelash. Who says he can’t make someone walk on WATER. I hope this has made you just as upset as me. What is this world coming to? And even that, is predicted in the Bible by God!
Our Poor Man’s Supper was a huge success! Thank you to all who attended and donated time and money to help us out. We were able to make close to $5000 which puts us close to the $10,000 mark (halfway). A special thank you to Lorraine for doing all those dishes!!! We REALLY appreciated that.
Our next fundraisers include a lunch after the service on a Sunday in May and a babysitting night on May 5th from 5-10pm. The youth is also having a car wash and the money will go to our Mission Trip fund.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers as well.
Poor Man’s Supper
This Saturday will be our first fundraising event for our Mission trip to Moscow in October. We are having a Poor Man’s Supper at Crestview from 5-7pm (ish). There will be a Silent Auction starting at 5pm and the Main Auction will start at 7pm. Tickets are $5.00 for adults and $2.50 for kids (6-12). Come on out to support us if you can. If you don’t like the Poor Man’s Supper items we will have hot dogs, lots of hot dogs hehe.
unexpected twist
Well, I still can’t really say much about something that is going on but God does like to throw twists into life sometimes. I guess when a person starts planning too much of their life without consulting the maker of that life, God has to throw something extra in there to show who is really in charge. I’m interested in seeing how this one will play out. I really wish I could share it right now but hopefully soon I will be able to. Keep praying for me if you don’t mind. Thanks.
This weekend
This weekend we watched our friends’ son Peyton for them while they went out for the evening to celebrate their anniversary. It turns out their anniversary is our “6 month” anniversary. Peyton was so good for us. We took him to McDonalds and then the park. Then we played outside with Java a little and then played with some of Justin’s old car toys. Then it was time for Chicken Little. Peyton helped to place and bake some cookies and we had popcorn too. Justin is so good with children. It makes me excited for the time when Walker is old enough for us to take places. It was definitely fun.
Then on Sunday night, we went to Polk County to share our Moscow story with the congregation. We spoke for about an hour. It felt like just yesterday that we were there. The memories came back so easily. I think they really enjoyed hearing about it and were very supportive. Before the service we were able to take Java to see her mom (River) and Maple. They all played and ran and even got in the creek. Good times!
One Tree Hill
Which One Tree Hill girl are you?
You’re shy, but have a strong opinion on how you’ve chosen to live your life. You’ve made some hard decisions in your life.
Walker is 7 months old today. Can you believe it? Mom (Erin) says that he is pulling himself up to a standing position all by himself and even greeting people with a “Hey”. What a smart boy!
I’m excited because this weekend Justin and I get to watch Peyton. We are friends with his parents from church and love Peyton to death. He is 4 years old and the sweetest thing (most of the time haha). It should be fun. It’s his parents’ anniversary so we are giving them the night out to enjoy.
We are also going to Polk County to speak on Sunday night about our trip to Moscow last year. We are very excited to share it with them. It will be almost exactly a year after we went this weekend.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
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